Carcassonne: before getting down to business, students take care of their integration

Students in 1st and 2nd years meet this Thursday and Friday for the now traditional integration days, organized and supervised by the City.

Approaching the forecourt of the Nicole-Abar hall, this Thursday noon, we could hear festive tunes, sound system fully, which clashed with the usual tranquility of the banks of the Aude. In the distance, a cheerful band in multicolored t-shirts, arms raised, attracted the curiosity of Thursday joggers. About 900 students, excited at the idea of ​​taking part in the integration days, stormed a site “ambienced” by the Rayz brothers.

It was the starting signal of these two days (this Thursday and Friday) during which the students in 1st and 2nd years go “getting to know each other and discovering what the city has to offer them” says Marie-Aude Montussac, deputy mayor in charge of higher education and youth. “After having organized these integration days at La Cavayère, we wanted to do them in town this year. The students will be able to familiarize themselves with the infrastructures and the local heritage.” Mayor Gérard Larrat came to greet the students before they started the celebrations.

During these two days, various challenges are offered such as an escape game set up by the CPAM, pétanque, padel, foot golf, archery, an orienteering course in the Bastide. Several information stands are set up. Like the youth service of the Montpellier Crous relay, the city’s youth information point, the teenagers’ center (prevention and listening), CPAM, AFEV (volunteer commitment of students) and the Health and Social Union for support and prevention (USSAP).

This year, there are nine university branches, and their students in 1st and 2nd years (the faculty of education, the nursing care training institute, the statistics and decision-making information and marketing techniques IUT, the connected campus, the Jules-Fil high school, Saint-Louis high school, Charles-Cros high school, Paul-Sabatier high school) who take part in these days. That is about 900 young people. In total, Carcassonne has 1700 students.


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