Basketball Girona presents its new kit with FIATC Seguros as main sponsor


Basketball Girona presents its new kit with FIATC Seguros as main sponsor

FIATC Seguros, together with the team since its inception, will be the main sponsor and health partner of the club for the next three seasons

This morning, on the central court of the Girona-Fontajau Municipal Pavilion, the presentation of the new Girona Basketball equipment took place. The club has also announced its main partner for this season, FIATC Seguros, which will appear on the front of the Gerund shirt.

FIATC, which has been with the club since its inception, thus renews the contract as a health partner for another three courses. The insurer has been working together with Bàsquet Girona for several seasons, promoting healthy habits, one of the fundamental pillars of the project.

The objective of the two institutions is to continue growing hand in hand and this year, FIATC accepts the challenge of taking a step forward to take care of our players in a historic year, the year of promotion to the ACB.

At the presentation we have had the presence of Èric Vila, Jaume Sorolla, Josep Franch and Kameron Taylor, players from the first team.

Marc Gasol, president of Bàsquet Girona, has declared that he is very happy with the agreement: “Today is a very special day: FIATC has been with us for four years. They have believed in the club from the beginning. When we started this marriage, there was nobody in the stands and they believed in us from day one. Very nice challenges come to us that, at their side, we take on with more confidence”.

On behalf of FIATC, we have been able to count on the presence of Joan Manuel Castells, deputy general manager, who has been very satisfied with the extension of the agreement: “We have supported Bàsquet Girona since 2018. Its evolution during these years, from LEB Plata to the highest state category, is an example of the importance of talent, teamwork and effort in achieving goals, values ​​with which FIATC feels identified as an entity.”

Bàsquet Girona will make the leap to the highest state category with three different shirts: the local one, in the usual red color, the away kit, which will be white, and the alternative, in black. As a distinguishing feature, the team will wear the word “Girona” on the chest.

The first official match with the new shirt will be next Tuesday, September 20, against FC Barcelona, ​​in the semifinals of the Catalan League. The debut in the ACB will be on Wednesday September 28 against Real Madrid in Fontajau.


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