Baseball | Show Podcast – Audio |

The Cologne Cardinals are fighting for their homeland

The new issue of Swing & A Miss is not about strikeouts or home runs, not about the Bundesliga itself. The new issue of Swing & A Miss is about the continued existence of the Cologne Cardinals who are struggling with complaints from residents and a lease that has been put in front of them that is threatening the continued existence of this club. Georg Apfelbaum, the chairman of the Cardinals, was interviewed by Andreas Thies and reports on the trouble the Cardinals are currently having. You have until July 31st. been granted the right to sign a rental agreement that provides for a restricted right of use. As Apfelbaum explains in the podcast, none of the 12 teams that the Cardinals are currently providing could continue to exist. The Cardinals have started a petition that you can support here. …


Jul 30, 2021


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