Balance Fair and Festivals – Excmo. City Hall of Baza

The Fair and Festivals of the reactivation of normality closes ten days full of activities with very good participation and without incidents

The great show of light and color of the traditional aerial fireworks castle marked the ten-day closing of the Baza 2022 Fair and Festivities on Thursday night, which will be remembered as the reactivation of normalcy. And it did so with very good participation and without notable incidents, which leads the City Council to make a positive assessment of this event, which is a benchmark not only for the region, but also for neighboring provinces. “The organizational effort would not make any sense without the participation of citizens, which is why our first words must be of gratitude to all those people who have made these days great and have made possible what we had designed: an inclusive, varied and safe”, affirms the mayor of the city, Manolo Gavilán. And he adds that, “as in everything, there are always issues that can be improved. We take good note of them to continue making our Fair and Festivals the best”.

During these days, citizens and visitors have been able to enjoy almost fifty scheduled events and a fairground in which 22 attractions, 11 tapas stalls, 4 churrerías, 24 food stalls, 11 shooting booths and others have been installed. , 15 booths for leisure and food. In this edition, the weather has accompanied and helped everything to develop normally.

As novel aspects, there has been again an initiative that was a pioneer in the Fair and Festivals of 2019: a Violet Point, this time endowed with a permanent character so that any woman, whether a resident or visitor to Baza, who had scanned the QR code of the EngrApp application could immediately access the information that Baza shares for their safety or other initiatives such as the formation of groups to return home accompanied.

This commitment to inclusion has manifested itself in other innovative measures, such as the decision to establish two time slots on Children’s Day without music at the fair and in the area of ​​attractions to encourage the attendance of people sensitive to loud music. This Fair and Festival has also grown in hours of enjoyment, with lively afternoon sessions that have filled the different booths of the fair with atmosphere.

In terms of outstanding events, we must of course begin by talking about Cascamorras, our Festival of International Tourist Interest, in which there was historic participation (around 8,000 participated in the start, some 10,000 in the race and as many as public). This year, around her, a hymn created by the young Basque artists Jonathan and Desirée has emerged, which, in just a few days, was already being sung by everyone. Special mention should be made of the musical shows, which brought together the public from Bastetano and those from abroad at the Alameda Soccer Field, but also those of the local artists who have animated each and every one of these days of celebration, not only musically but also with theater and Our traditions. And, of course, the religious acts in honor of the Virgen de la Piedad, to whom our Fair and Festivals are dedicated.

The coordination of security is always one of the issues that most concerns the City Council. Already in the previous days, the entire operation was planned in the Local Security Board in which, among other issues, the following services were defined:

  • advanced command post made up of 12 people from the Andalusian Emergency Group for Cascamorras
  • 2 subgroups (6 for each group) of the UPR of the National Police
  • local police staff
  • two other citizen security groups of the National Police
  • In addition to security, there have been reinforcements from Civil Protection from different parts of the province
  • Both for Cascamorras and for the rest of the days, there was a special cleaning device
  • special health device composed of 6 ambulances and medical staff

In short, there has been a significant police presence of all the bodies coordinated among themselves and with the emergency and health services. As there has also been an important work of the cleaning services, maintenance and the rest of the municipal workers who are in charge of making sure that all the complicated machinery necessary to start up a Fair and Festival of this level works perfectly. Without forgetting, of course, the involvement of associations and groups in the city that have offered information and different services at the fair.

“We finished the Fair and Festivals but we continue working and we already have our sights set on another: the 1st Dama de Baza Agricultural and Hunting Fair 2022, with which we want to support and invigorate one of the fundamental pillars of our city and the region, the agricultural activity”, announces Manolo Gavilán. On September 27, 28 and 29 there will be Technical Conferences in the Auditorium of the Archaeological Museum. And from September 30 to October 2, in the Fair Pavilion, activities open to the public: exhibition of horses, sheep, birds and hunting dogs; agricultural machinery, agri-food and handicraft products; and various activities ranging from archery to ribbon horse racing to Sthil’s Timber Sports exhibit.


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