Alina Moine’s question to Beccacece about the conflict with Gallardo and the Boca Juniors rumors

The driver recalled the intersection between the DT of Defense and Justice and that of River and what was generated

Sebastián Beccacece He is going through his last matches as DT of Defense and Justice. The coach has already announced that he will leave Florencio Varela’s club once the Professional League tournament is over and by date 17 he equalized goalless against San Lorenzo.

Once the meeting was over, Beccacece attended the news of ESPN that the journalist drives Alina Monk. Beyond talking about what the game had left, the driver took the opportunity to remember that she had been talking to another signal program and if the question she had had with Marcelo Gallardo had activated her chance as a possible Boca Juniors coach from of 2023.

“Based on what you said, the Boca fan began to talk about your application to go to ‘Xeneize’”. How did you take it?Moine asked. What did Becca reply? “First, I don’t follow the networks. I think that the players talk about us, the coaches, first and then what they can show and develop their teams. Throughout these six years in Argentina and those of us who had to be abroad, I imagine that at the time of some hypothetical call they will look at that “said.

And he added: “I insist, just as I said what I expressed in the particular situation that happened with Gallardo, I also said that he was the best coach of the last 10 years, that he is doing an extraordinary job, but you saw how he is: there is always what bad, what happened there at that time and it was nothing more than that, a situation totally isolated from a game that maybe I responded for the honesty I have.

Once Beccacece finished with his explanation, the mobile from the Norberto Tomaghello stadium abruptly cut off, which caused the comment of the host of the program. “Oh, what a shame, we just lost it … because it was something that had been talked about,” Moine said.

Beccacece and Gallardo crossed paths on the first date of the tournament (Fotobaires)

It should not be overlooked that the journalist herself got fully involved in the comments that were generated in the Argentine soccer environment after the tense crossing that they experienced on Doll and the coach of Defense and Justice in the meeting valid for the opening date of the contest. In that verbal duel, Beccacece even said “who are you” to Gallardo while he was retiring to the locker room, after being expelled by the referee for preventing a River Plate footballer from taking a throw-in.

To me no one deserves it. The ‘who are you’ that can sound derogatory and I even think he says it to influence that the referee had already kicked him out. Any technician on the bench when he sees an expulsion play and the referee does not charge it, they automatically grab him to the room and tell him. This was the same. ‘He’s crazy, he won’t let me get the lateral’. The game was 0-0, none of the coaches was happy with what was happening and both were looking for the goal, “argued the journalist on ESPN.

“It is understood what Gallardo did at that time. What Beccacece did is wrong, that’s why the referee expels him. I still think that no one deserves a derogatory phrase and I don’t care if it is Marcelo Gallardo or if he is a coach who is taking his first steps in the H category of Argentine soccer. When something sounds derogatory, I don’t like it for anyone. I didn’t like that dismissive attitude. And the speech that because he is Gallardo no and because he is another yes, “added Moine.



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