A fund to break down architectural barriers in the archery field

Grosseto: The Municipality of Grosseto has obtained, as part of the regional fund for the inclusion of people with disabilities, a loan of 80 thousand euros which will be entirely addressed to the removal of the architectural barriers present inl Primary shooting range “Lucio Parigi” in via Lago di Varano.

The project, developed by the aPublic Works and by the Social Department in collaboration with the COeSO, it envisages, among other actions, the creation of facilitated routes that can also allow people with motor disabilities to access the field and practice archery.

Furthermore, thanks to the execution of these works, it will be possible to request authorization to host competitions of the parathletes championship, as well as the training sessions of the national archery team. In this way, the “Lucio Parigi” field can become a reference point for the practice and exercise of a sport that, with equal access conditions to the facilities, can be practiced at the same level of competitiveness both by people with disabilities and by able-bodied people.


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