A dynamic sports forum that has won over

The Chapeau Magique social center organized the first sports forum in the district in the Val de l’Aurence.

Laurent Couquet, director of the Magic Hat, and Abdoulaye Sylla, the president, recalled that the purpose of this event was to facilitate the rapprochement between the inhabitants and the sports associations present in the Val de l’Aurence but also to facilitate registration for the new season.

Presence of professional clubs, discovery of tchoukball

This forum is also the way to show the associative wealth and more particularly sporting of the district. In fact, the associations had responded and many people came to meet and sometimes discover the activities present in the Val de l’Aurence.

The young people were thus able to learn about tchoukball, a Swiss sport that combines handball and volleyball, without contact, while the professional clubs of LH (handball), CSP and LABC (basketball), fans of RC L’Aurence ( rugby), Racing Limoges Judo, Limoges Athlé held stands and also offered a few games and discoveries.

Other partners present: a taekwondo club, the association Bougez Bougez (physical activities and leisure sports), the citizens’ council and the citizens’ club of Val-sud, the latter holding a refreshment bar.

Given the success of this first edition, there is no doubt that it will have a sequel.


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