4,000 athletes will compete in the XLIX Intercollegiate Games

Photo | Boyacá Sports Press.

Indeportes Boyacá is ready for the development of the departmental final phase that will have 31 sports disciplines in action.

Between September 29 and October 21, with the presence of 4,000 athletes from different Educational Institutions, the XLIX Intercollegiate Games of Boyacá will take place.

The maximum appointment of school sports will be held in Tunja, Paipa, Duitama, Sogamoso and Nobsa.

“We are very happy, thanks to the efforts of Governor Ramiro Barragán, the sports house in Boyacá is ready to hold the final phase of the Intercollegiate Games, fairs that will have an excellent participation of athletes,” said Luis Alberto Neira, manager of Sports Boyaca.

There are a total of 31 disciplines that will be in dispute in this departmental phase, divided as follows:


Basketball, soccer, mini basketball, karate do, shuffleboard, athletics, boxing, badminton, judo, handball and field tennis.

Volleyball, table tennis, weightlifting and mini volleyball.


Futsal, cheerleading, chess, swimming, para swimming, road cycling, track cycling and mini futsal.


Indoor soccer, taekwondo, boccia, gymnastics and BMX cycling.



The Departmental Sports Institute of Boyacá invites the community to enjoy these sports events that will allow economic, sports and tourism development for the department.

*With information provided by Prensa Indeportes Boyacá / Uacp / Government of Boyacá.


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