400 crucibles are being built in schools to contribute to the physical development of children

Metropolitan Municipality is building basketball hoops in the gardens of primary, secondary and high schools in order to allow children studying in public schools to do sports and to contribute to their physical development. The Parks and Gardens Department continues its efforts to install 400 basketball hoops in the gardens of primary, secondary and high school schools in the city center and districts. While the teams install basketball hoops in the school gardens where the ground is suitable, they carry out the correction work in the gardens of the schools where the ground is not suitable.

Parks and Gardens Department, which has completed the correction work on the garden floors of 265 schools so far, has installed 139 basketball hoops in the areas where the ground has been made suitable and put them into the service of the students. Basketball hoops will be erected by the teams in 126 of the 265 schools whose ground leveling work has been completed, in line with the schedule determined.

The Parks and Gardens Department will continue to install basketball hoops in the gardens of 261 schools in Bismil, Çermik, Çınar, Çüngüş, Ergani, Dicle, Hani, Hazro, Kocaköy, Kulp, Lice and Silvan districts, apart from the 4 districts of the city center. (UAV)


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