2020 School Badminton Competition Activity Plan – Resume Station


2020 School Badminton Competition Activity Plan

1. Purpose of the activity:

In 2011, in order to show a dynamic attitude to the beautiful new year, this “Welcome Cup” badminton competition is specially held. Promote emotional exchanges between teachers, students and classmates of our school, enrich our cultural and sports activities, create a sports atmosphere for everyone, strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and lay a good physical quality foundation for our study.

2. Sponsor: Qiandongnan Decai Vocational School of Science and Technology.

3. Participants:

All the students in grade 08 of Qiandongnan Decai Vocational School of Science and Technology.

4. Game time:

March 4, 2011 – March 10.

5. Competition location:

Qiandongnan Decai Vocational School Badminton Court.

6. Competition rules:

Competition events: men’s singles, women’s singles, mixed doubles;

Awards and Prize Settings:

Awards: The winner of this competition will be determined;

Prizes: Singles: 30 points per person for overtime work and fine gifts;

Doubles: 20 points per person for overtime work and fine gifts.

7. Athlete Code:

1. The style of the competition, the level of the competition, not arrogant in victory, not discouraged in defeat, respect for the referee, respect for each other, and respect for the audience;

2. Be civilized, polite, hygienic, and orderly;

3. Arrive at the venue before the specified time of the competition, and do not make any noise.

4. Resolutely obey the referee’s penalty, otherwise the game result will be cancelled; those who are five minutes late will be regarded as abstention!

8. Competition rules:

1. Each match is a best-of-three game;

2. The first team to score 15 points wins the competition;

3. If the score between the two sides is 15 to 15, the winning side must surpass the opponent by 2 points to win;

4. If the score between the two sides is 20 to 20, the first team to get the 21st point wins;

5. The winning side of the first game will serve first in the next game;

6. After a game, the players of both teams will rest for 2 minutes;

7. Neither side is allowed to illegally delay the serve when serving;

8. Both the server and the receiver must stand in the diagonally diagonal service area to serve and receive the service, and their feet cannot touch the boundary of the service area; both feet must have a part of contact with the ground and must not move until the ball is released;

9. The racket of the server must hit the ball holder first, and the serve must pass the opposite serving line (if not over-served);

10. At the moment of hitting the ball, the rod of the racket should point downward, so that the entire front of the row is significantly lower than the entire grip of the server. If the ball falls on the line, the receiver will lose a ball;

11. After the service starts, the server’s racket must be continuously swung forward until the ball is released;

12. The sent ball must fly upward through the net, and if it is not intercepted, it should fall into the receiver’s serving area;

13. Once the players on both sides are in position, the first time the server’s racket head swings forward is the start of the serve;

14. The server shall not serve until the receiver is ready, and is considered ready if the receiver has attempted to receive;

15. Once the service starts, the service is over when the ball is touched or touched by the server’s racket;

16. In doubles competitions, there is no restriction on the position of the partner of the server or receiver, but they must not block the sight of the opponent’s server or receiver.

9. Competition Organizing Committee:

Consultant: Wu Yongjun Team leader: Yang Jing

Deputy team leader: Wu Xiaoge Judges: Yang Jing, Wu Xiaoge

Team members: Kuang Tianhua, Zhao Haiying, Qin Jiyu, Zhou Yan, Yang Deyin, You Shineng

Scoring: Yang Deyin, You Shineng

10. How to apply:

All contestants should register outside the sports committee of each class; the sports committee of each class will hand in the list to Teacher Yang Jing before 12:00 am on March 4th.


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