West Ham face a beer war. Thief, “Hammers” fans riot

West Ham face a beer war.  Thief, “Hammers” fans riot

As a result, thanks to the Czech duo Tomáš Souček and Vladimír Coufal, they are having a successful month, but looking at the prices of beer at home matches, West Ham football fans are in tears. Under their pressure, the English club is even considering suing the London Stadium, where it is leased, because of bats for refreshments.

The cheapest price for a pint of beer £7.30. So 210 crowns in conversion. No, those “Hammers” fans who want to enjoy the performance of their boys in the stands of the stadium with their favorite drink in hand will not be disappointed.

Drink prices at West Ham home games are as follows:

For example, at neighbors from Tottenham, hop nectar costs two pounds (almost sixty crowns) less. And other city rivals Arsenal and Chelsea are also significantly cheaper.

According to the English newspaper Mirror, fans of Manchester United will pay the least in the entire Premier League for the cheapest pint of beer – only three pounds.

And it’s not just beer. A bottle of Coke will cost 4.5 pounds (130 crowns) at the London Stadium, and for a hamburger – not a big one and without fries, as is usually the case – “Hammers” fans will shell out 9.5 pounds (275 crowns) at home matches.

No wonder that the “Hammers” supporters riot and even threaten to boycott home matches. “An absolute thief,” one of them, under the name Jamie, was relieved on the social network. “The stadium and modern football has killed everything that was good about West Ham,” added Lee Mason with criticism.

Paradoxically, the club itself does not have a single pound from the sale of refreshments at its home matches. London Stadium is rented for the match, the stands are managed by the catering company Delaware North. And she defends herself that she cannot lower prices without the consent of the stadium owners.

The bosses of West Ham, whose co-owner is also the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský, are however, according to the website MailOnLine, which drew attention to the exorbitant prices, determined to take the case to court, if refreshments during matches are not cheaper.

This should happen already in the next match, in which the team of coach David Moyes will challenge the Danish Viborg on Thursday in the final preliminary round of the European Conference League.


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