WC hockey U20 | Sweden – Czechia 3:1, No medal again. Young hockey players did not win bronze – Sport.cz

  1. WC hockey U20 | Sweden – Czechia 3:1, No medal again. The young hockey players did not win bronze Sport.cz
  2. The juniors did not break the curse, losing to the Swedes in the duel for bronze CT sport
  3. A bitter end to a medal dream. The Czech team was not enough for Sweden and finished fourth denik.cz
  4. WC hockey U20 | Canada – Czechia 5:2, A futile effort of twenty. The road to the final did not go through Canada Sport.cz
  5. The Finnish juniors go to the final after a 1:0 win, the Swedes lie in wait for the Czechia in the fight for bronze CT sport
  6. See everything about this topic in the Google News app


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