Varsity basketball team is baptized in the Jordan River

CHRISTIANNEWS.COM.- The Auburn University basketball team was baptized in the Jordan River on their recent visit to the Holy Land.

The team showed the images of the baptism on their Twitter account, indicating that it was a special moment, reports CBN News.

The Auburn team was in Israel on a 10-day trip to play three exhibition games.

The coach said in an interview for The Jerusalem Post, that this experience will have a lasting influence on players.

“My players will see their Judeo-Christian roots, and those who want to be baptized in the Jordan River will do so,” said Pearl, whose first trip to Israel was in 2009.

“They will walk in the garden where Jesus walked, and they will pray at the Western Wall. And they will experience firsthand the presence of God in the Holy Land. Just come and see it, you will be changed forever,” he said.

Likewisethe team coach said that this trip can encourage other teams to live the same experience religious and sports

“We have opened a path now. I think there will be other college teams that want to come and have this competition and have this kind of historical, educational, religious, and spiritual experience. It was incredible”.

The Tigers are only the fourth college basketball team to play in Israel on a preseason tour.

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