Unusual! The “very Students” shirt that Sarmiento could not wear to play against Gimnasia

After the controversy between Damonte and Gorosito, Verde welcomes Lobo but without his new jacket because of his resemblance to Pincha’s colors.

Sarmiento and Gymnastics tie goalless in Junín after a very spicy week full of chicanes between Israel Damonte and Pipo Gorosito. But the most unusual thing was that at the local they did not allow him to wear his new shirt for being “very Student”.

Although in its first statement the Professional League had established that the Junín team would use its new white and red jacket with vertical canes and green trim, the next day everything changed and they modified the publication. The Green had to wear his white jacket with green details. This was due to Gorosito’s statements that heated up the meeting.

Sarmiento T-shirt

The origin of the colors of the jacket is due to the 70 years of the team within the AFA. Sarmiento entered the mother house of Argentine soccer in 1952, it was then that they asked him to add an alternative and that’s where he chose those colors.

Gorosito’s statements that heated up the preview of Sarmiento vs. Gym

“A difficult game is coming, where you have to be psyched up three times more than today. They are going to shoot, they are going to buy time, they are going to throw the ball out. The balls are going to disappear. But all those things do not have to take us out party”said Pipo openly when asked about the duel against the team led by Israel Damonte, it is worth noting the undoubted Identification of the Green DT with Studentseternal rival of Gymnastics.

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