Triumph of Los Indios in the debut against Argentina • Diario Democracia

Los Indios had a great debut last night in the Prefederal and beat Argentino de Trenque Lauquen 96-53 at the Tomás Corrado stadium on the opening day of zone 1 of the provincial competition.

El Canario, led by Mario Andrade, started with an unbeatable first half, converting 32 points in the first quarter and 30 in the second period. The beginning had Tomás Palomero leading the conversions of the locals, followed by the experience of Pablo Martínez and Leandro Lorio.

In addition, the good defensive actions left Argentino with 29 points at the end of the first half.

The third quarter began more evenly in scoring, but the wide difference of the first two periods was irretrievable for the visiting team despite the good passages that Tomás Martino, Ramiro Farriol and Kurt Piccione had.

The Indians maintained the advantage they gained during the first two quarters, especially because of the game that was presented to them back and forth, fast breaks and short possessions against a weak rival who paid dearly for that game.

The final result was 96 to 53 and the last champion of the local tournament showed that he has what to fight for to be one of those classified to the next instance.


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