Trial against Cristina Kirchner: The soccer matches of prosecutor Luciani and judge Giménez Uriburu in Macri’s villa | Exclusive photos showing behind the scenes of the trial

Prosecutor Diego Luciani -a vehement accuser in the case of the Santa Cruz routes- not only plays in the same soccer team as the president of the court that acts in that case, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu, but both played in the fifth of Mauricio Macri, Los Abrojos, when he was the President of the Nation. The scene was captured in one of the two photographs that he publishes today Page 12: in both the prosecutor and the president of the court appear in the same soccer team, although in one case it is in Macri’s and in the other in a San Isidro championship.

The mixture shows that there is not much impartiality that can emerge from this collusion, to which is added that the same team –Liverpool– It is also integrated by the judge of the Federal Chamber, Mariano Lawrencewho is not in the photo in the Los Abrojos fifth because that day he missed the appointment.

As obviously not everything is football, the father of the president of the court that judges Cristina Kirchner, Héctor Giménez Uriburu, appears on the Facebook page of La Liverpool posting a link with a long diatribe by a journalist, Pablo Rossi, urging that the former president be imprisoned: “How many more details of what Cristina stole and embezzled do we have to show? More inquiries, more interrogations are needed to end this hypocrisy and show.” That is the background of the trial that takes place in Comodoro Py.

the court family

The two photos published today Page 12 they show behind the scenes of a justice programmed to defend right-wing leaders and businessmen and punish anyone who rebels on matters of income distribution or questions the alignment with the great international powers. is the call judicial family.

It is somewhat impressive that Luciani, ceremoniously, addresses Giménez Uriburu in a serious tone and protocol with the appropriate formula: “Mr. President”. He repeats it no less than 30 times a day. Looking at the photos, it could be translated into “Dear Rodri”. While Giménez Uriburu could call him “Dieguito”, as it is certain that they are treated in Liverpool.

The presence of Liverpool -name they took for The Beatles- in Macri’s villa even appeared in the newspapers. It happens that on August 19, 2019, the former president faced a very serious economic and exchange crisis that caused the resignation of Nicolás Dujovne and the arrival at the Ministry of Economy of Hernán Lacunza. Even so, Macri did not suspend the soccer championship for those over 42 that Sunday and the media report that the president met with officials in the mansion, while on the field, Liverpool maintained first place in the New Los Abrojos Tournament. Journalism mentions in the chronicles that Macri did not lose his smile because his team remained two points behind Liverpool.

It is not known whether the prosecutor and the judge played in Liverpool that day or not: the two photos are from before, when Macri was already president. One of the shots is of Los Abrojos. In that, Giménez Uriburu is the first from the left in the second row and Luciani is a little further back, in the next row, to the left of him. They both look very smiling. In the other shot, with the team lined up, Luciani is second from the left and García Uriburu is fourth from the right, both in the top row.

The Visitor of the Rose

But the mix not only has Luciani as its protagonist. This week, the Minister of Justice, Martín Soria, revealed that the second prosecutor, Sergio Mola, was at the Casa Rosada on June 16, 2016, at 3:06 p.m.. He went to see, of course, Pablo Clusellas, articulator together with the now fugitive Pepín Rodríguez Simón, of the so-called judicial table.

Appointed during the macrismo, Mola was put in a key place, the federal justice of Lomas de Zamora, which has jurisdiction over the Ezeiza airport. The Attorney General brought him from there, by hand, so that he could be Luciani’s second. When he took office – photo he also posted Page 12 this week-, is seen applauding macrismo figures: Patricia Bullrich, Cristian Ritondo, Julio Conte Grand, among others.

Last Friday, Mola took the time to return to Lomas de Zamora and signed the appeal so that the 11 Venezuelans and the Iranian that Judge Federico Villena decided they could return to their places of origin cannot leave the country because there is no evidence against them. The DAIA did not appeal, but Mola prevented, with his appeal, their return to Venezuela and Iran.

The scramble between the judicial apparatus and the macrismo is at all levels.

Tilted court in justice

The photos exhibit what the jurists call objective fear of bias. In other words, it has nothing to do with whether the person is honest or dishonest, but the fact that there is that social relationship between the prosecutor, the judge and a president who publicly wanted CFK’s conviction, raises objective suspicion. Macri was not a passive protagonist: he was the promoter of the accusations and ordered the government agencies to become plaintiffs.

The prosecutor does not have to be impartial, but he does have to be objective. And the truth is that playing football with the president of the Tribunal – Giménez Uriburu and Jorge Gorini take turns in the hearings – and in Macri’s house, their objectivity is also compromised. This Saturday, deputy Leopoldo Moreau pointed out: “Behind his prosecutor façade, Luciani acts as an agent provocateur dedicated to promoting hatred and revenge. Luciani only makes an effort to invent phrases so that they become titles of some media. One more shame for this Judiciary”.

Cassation judge Angela Ledesma asked the Ibero-American Commission of Judicial Ethics (CIEJ) for an opinion on Mariano Borinsky’s visits to play paddle tennis at the presidential fifth of Olivos. In the 11-page text, the CIEJ points out that “only public and formal meetings are ethically admissible, all meetings between judges and politicians, public or private, being absolutely inadvisable. Familiarity is strictly inadvisable”, are some of the phrases in the text.

The Commission points out that its recommendations are valid for all judicial levels. At the time, the same thing was pointed out by CFK’s lawyer, Alberto Beraldi, in the briefs referring to Borinsky and the Memorandum: he maintained that the visits to Olivos and the Casa Rosada cast doubt on impartiality. A not minor fact: the appeal to the ruling issued by the presiding court Gimenez Uriburu (Federal Oral Court number 2), will arrive at Chamber IV of the Cassation, made up of Gustavo Hornos and Mariano Borinsky, both Macri’s visitors.

As you can see, the mix is ​​absolute. The package seems tied.

Politics sticks its tail

Since 2012, the Social and Sports Club, La Liverpool, has had its Facebook page. There are an innumerable amount of posts, almost all referring to sports activities, focused on soccer.

In this context, the posting on September 24, 2019, one month before the presidential elections, of a long diatribe against Cristina Kirchner by Radio Miter journalist Pablo Rossi is curious. The publication was made, with a video, by Héctor Giménez Uriburu, a soldier and father of the judge. The amazing thing is that Rossi rebukes Luis Novaresio because he interviewed Cristina. “How much more do you think journalism can offer what Kirchnerism did, he said, embezzled, stole, swindled? Do you need more interviews? More inquiries are needed, interrogations are needed, but not by a journalist, but by judges. It is time for the judge who can refute those tons of hypocrisy, cynicism, acting and show. What are the chances that the corrupt (referring to the former president) go to jail and return the money?

As can be seen, it is a direct call to the members of the judiciary who are part of that page, including the judge who is heading TOF 2 today, the prosecutor of the trial and the judge of the Federal Chamber, Mariano Llorens, who also appears with posts. No one is perceived on Facebook who writes something like “let’s not mix”, “this is a football club”. There was only one answer complimentary.

The Judiciary and macrismo

All this unheard of mix between prosecutor, president of the Court and president of the Nation is not an isolated event.

This is what explains why the same two cameramen -Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi-, fingered by Mauricio Macri, have, on the one hand, acquitted the former president in the case of espionage on the relatives of the victims of the ARA San Juan, while on the other, this Friday they issued prosecutions and they asked that Cristina Kirchner be investigated in a residual file of the cause of the photocopies of the Notebooks. And those magistrates continue in their positions despite the fact that the Supreme Court has already said that their transfer was irregular and, even so, the new president of the Council of the Magistrature and also of the Court, Horacio Rosatti, does not unlock the rise of the shortlists for replace them.

It is what also explains that the Oral Court chaired by the Liverpool player authorized, on the last day, the incorporation of evidence from another file, such as the wiretapping of the José López case. The logic is that evidence of other causes is incorporated at firstso that the defense can evaluate them, question them if appropriate, see how they were produced and defend against evidence not produced in the entire previous stage and that does not even appear in the trial.

They are not traps and maneuvers exclusive to Argentina. It happened with Luis Inacio Lula da Silva in Brazil or Rafael Correa in Ecuador or, when they needed it, in support of the coup in Bolivia against Evo Morales.

It is the culture medium, the mixture, from which the use of the device comes out judicial-political-media to persecute those who do not align themselves with power.


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