Tied to the heat with former NBA champion striker in the swap proposal


Getty Miami Heat President Pat Riley addresses the media during Jimmy Butler’s 2019 introductory press conference.

The Miami Heat were unable to make a trade for Kevin Durant after a summer when the superstar striker was on the block. Brooklyn had a historic selling price for KD and it was nearly impossible for teams to match it. Durant had four years remaining for his recent extension and they were not required to trade Durant and would not move on their trading requirements. The management of the Nets was cheered by many of the NBA’s governors and front offices, except perhaps the Heat, who were chasing him.

After losing Durant, the Heat must make a decision on how to finalize their roster to go to training camp. They’ve also been linked to Utah Jazz’s Donovan Mitchell and may continue to pursue a deal for him. However, a deal for Mitchell would require the team to part ways with Bam Adebayo, who have been clear in avoiding entering into trade negotiations. So, without negotiating for Mitchell, the Heat were linked to another star ahead of their next retirement.

Harrison Barnes ai Miami Heat?

In a recent article in Greg Swartz’s Bleacher Report, the Heat were linked to a business proposition with Sacramento Kings forward Harrison Barnes. Barnes was mentioned as a player the Heat could face before retirement. After being tied to Durant and Mitchell, Barnes may be underwhelmed, but he shouldn’t be. Swartz highlights Barnes as a potential replacement for PJ Tucker.

“The Heat still need a replacement for PJ Tucker at 4 and Barnes could be perfect. He doesn’t have the same caliber of stopper (few are), but he is reliable and versatile from that point of view. On offense, he could deliver the same outside shot (career 37.9%) while offering significantly more shot creation and self-sustaining scoring, ”Swartz wrote.

Miami Heat Reception: Harrison Barnes

Sacramento Kings receive: Duncan Robinson, Nikola Jovic, Omer Yurtseven and first pick of 2027 (top-7 protected)

Trading for Barnes makes sense for the Heat. He is a quality striker to add, but the players they are giving up on in this proposition are not. Jovic can’t be tackled before retiring after signing his rookie contract, and Yurtseven is a player Miami is known for hoping to build. It was also recently named one of the league’s “best kept secrets” and three players and a first round pick for a player the Kings are not interested in keeping makes no sense for Miami.

Other possible replacements of PJ Tucker

While Barnes may be a potential replacement for Tucker, a deal may not occur until the Kings are no longer willing to trade his expiring contract when the trade expires for a lower asking price. However, mistaking three players for the aging veteran and losing the depth that is a strength of the Heat roster makes no sense. If not Barnes, Caleb Martin has been named as a potential starter for slipping into the role of Tucker.

“I feel I can step in and start. No matter what the role and what a team needs from me, I feel I can fill that void. My game has expanded from the point of view of shooting, being more efficient and consistent… I feel like I have made great strides and I feel that I will only take bigger strides going forward ”. Martino continued.

Haywood Highsmith has also been linked to the role, or at least made a bigger impact with the Heat this season.



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