They will have a basketball home run – Diario de Querétaro

Santa Rosa Jáuregui will witness an interesting fair quadrangular, on the occasion of the celebrations of Santa Rosa de Lima, in which the USA Mercenaries squad will be present, continuing their tour of our entity, promoting the sport burst between youth and children, so great meetings and many emotions are expected at the Community Development Center of said municipal demarcation.

This event, which is scheduled for this Tuesday, August 30, will feature the participation of high-level teams, in addition to the USA Mercenaries, the Salamanca Oilers, the Santa Rosa National Team and the University team will be participating in this opportunity. Anáhuac Querétaro, so very attractive duels are expected as everyone seeks to be the winners of the home run, which has the sole purpose of promoting and strengthening burst sport in the region.

José Luis Núñez Herrera, independent sports promoter from the Queretaro semi-desert and who is responsible for the tour of the American team in our entity, thanked the Citizen Council and the Santa Rosa Jáuregui Delegation for making this event possible, which he said It will start at 5:00 p.m. this Tuesday, so there will be many surprises and a great atmosphere.

The invitation on this occasion is for you to attend with your family to enjoy this home run, but above all to see these players from the United States in activity, who, at the end of the entire event, will spend time with the fans, take their photo and they will distribute autographs, just as they have done in some other scenarios where they have performed.


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