The Sports Festival remains “the unmissable event of the start of the school year”

The new edition of the Fête du Sport will be held on Sunday, September 4, at the Complexe de tennis des Balquières from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. friendliness, sharing and meeting is an opportunity to make yourself known. Practitioners and future practitioners will be able to discover new sports activities. A long-awaited meeting, both on the side of sports associations for which to learn and thus choose the activity that suits them best.

In partnership with the associative fabric castonétois, this festival indeed attaches, to support and to promote the practice of sporting activities, near the general public. It is free and open to everyone. From collective sport to individual sport, from combat sport to pétanque, from cycling to racket sport, the aim is to try out as many sports as possible with the family.

20 associations present

To encourage initiation to different sports, the Town will offer a T-shirt to children who have taken part in at least 7 activities that day. Among them, you can test: football, handball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, horse riding, mallet, archery, judo, aikido, karate, athletics, gym, fencing, boxing, MMA, pétanque, but also the swin-pool with the RS4C, as well as the sports clubs for all of the four seasons and the Costes Rouges and many others, such as the Béhourd club, a combat sport that mixes muscular body-to-body and Living history or again the bridge club…

The event will be animated with music and the youngest will be able to enjoy two inflatable play areas. No less than 80 volunteers will be present on the site, an opportunity for them to pass on a taste for sport and share their passion with families.


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