The-List of things you didn’t know about the new version of Predator

Predatorthe film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1987, continues to inspire new versions and this August 5th the film will hit the screens of Star+ Predator: The Preydirected by filmmaker Dan Trachtenberg, who was also involved in directing the series The Boys.

In an interview with the EFE news agency, Trachtenberg stated that this film is shot in the Comanche language and set in 1719.

“It’s set 300 years before the original film, so it would technically be considered a prequel. But I think it stands on its own as an adventure movie mixed with a horror movie that continues the tradition of Predator“,

With this new version of 2022, the bloodthirsty alien is the only thing that Prey preserved from the original films.

Here we leave you The-List of things you should know about the movie Predator: The Prey.


What is “Predator: The Prey” about?

The new film is set on the Great Plains during 1719, long before that vast landscape became part of America, and follows Naru, a fierce and highly skilled young warrior from the Comanche Empire who was raised in the shadow of some of the the most legendary hunters, but soon Naru will face circumstances that will lead her to demonstrate her abilities to protect her people.

His enemy to defeat is an evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal.


Who is the predator?

The new film marks the return of an iconic character: The Predator. The character is characterized by being two meters tall and weighing 110 kilos, and will be played by actor and former basketball player Dan DiLiegro.


A territorial recognition ceremony

The day before filming began, director Dan Trachtenberg and producer Jhane Myers, along with cast members, participated in a private ceremony at the Stoney Nakoda Nation, with indigenous leaders giving their blessing and permission to film in their ancestral land. In the ritual, the team presented a testimony of territorial recognition and respect for the area where the filming was going to take place.


High intensity physical training

Predator: The Prey it stands out for its strong action imprint and its extraordinary fight scenes. The main cast participated in high-intensity training to improve their aerobic capacity, learn to ride a horse and acquire good handling of weapons. In addition, they worked on the risk scenes and the choreography of the fight scenes. The four-week training also allowed the cast to bond and develop a close camaraderie before filming.


Training in native traditions

Indigenous movement and tactics coordinator Kevin Starblanket worked closely with the cast to help them incorporate North American First Nations and Native traditions. Starblanket, a member of the Ahtahkakoop Band of Cree Nations, says: “I taught them how to move, how to use weapons, how things are done in the traditional way, from lighting a fire to building shelters. I was raised the traditional way in northern Saskatchewan, so I was able to show them some of the techniques that my ancestors and grandfather taught me.”


Where do I see the Predator saga?

This August 5, the tape can be seen through the Star + streaming platform.

With information from EFE.


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