The Legnano Library: remains open throughout the month of August

The Legnano Library will remain open throughout the month of August. Readers from Legnano who will remain in the city will therefore be able to continue to frequent the house of books and make loans. Timetables from Monday 8 to Thursday 20 August, however, they will undergo a change. And it is scheduled to close on August 15th (Monday 15 August).

Every Monday and Tuesday in August the Villa Augusto Marinoni will be open from 15 to 19. Thursday will be the only day on which the library will open both in the morning (from 9.30 until 13.30) and in the afternoon (from 15 to 19). Wednesday, Friday and Saturday it will open its doors only from 9.30 until 13.30.

They will also be two appointments included in the “La Bella Estate” summer festival in Legnano which will take place in the garden of via Cavour. On Tuesday 9 August at 5.30 pm there will be “Let’s play together!”: Group challenges with boxed games from the library’s gaming-zone by the volunteers of the Civil Service. On Thursday 18 August at 6.30 pm the reading group “Joy of reading” – Summer edition will be held. A moment of sharing ideas and reflections on the book “The lady in the van” by Alan Bennett.


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