the interregional archery competition is underway in a centuries-old olive grove! Here is the program

The ASD Archers of the Sassi affiliate FITARCO (Italian Archery Federation)with the patronage of City of Matera and the collaboration of the CEA “Parco dei Monaci” visitor center, will organize, on 22 Maggio 2022 (from 9.00)a Hunter & Field specialty archery competitiona modality that is characterized by being a discipline carried out in open spaces in contact with nature with variable conditions of terrain, vegetation, weather conditions and distances, on a circuit of 24 pitches at mixed distances both known (Field), than to strangers (Hunter).

How do the organizers know:

“The we are Sara of an inter-regional character accessible to archers registered with FITARCO from all over Italy and from all youth, Senior and Master categories.

For the city of Matera it is an absolute preview and we look forward to great appeal and prestige.

The same will take place inside a centuries-old olive grovein the vicinity of the fortified farm called ‘Parco dei Monaci Visitor Center’, inside which houses a path that can be used by adults and children and have been set up two dioramas that represent the typical habitats of some species present in the Parkalong with an explanation of the construction technique and use of the dry stone wall.

Il the race course is immersed in the Murgia Park of Matera and is ready to welcome dozens of athletes who, engaged in their best athletic performance, will be surrounded by the charm of the rocky habitat.

On this occasion the Arcieri dei Sassi association will be happy to welcome the curious who want to learn more about the fascinating world of archery.

Appointment on May 22, 2022, from 9.00 am, at the ‘Parco dei Monaci Visitor Center’.

For contacts:

  • 3286895024 (Francesco Grieco) “.

Below is an outline of the areas involved in the Hunter & Field race and some explanatory photos.


(Court Authorization No. 473)


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