The final of the Basketball Super Cup in Seville will leave two million euros

Seville will host the Endesa Spain Basketball Super Cup on September 24 and 25, which will open on Friday with the clashes between Coosur Real Betis-Real Madrid (6:30 p.m.) and Barcelona-Joventut (9:30 p.m.) at the Palacio of the Sports of São Paulo. That was the result of the draw that was held yesterday at Metropol Parasol and that marks the start of this competition “that once again places Seville as a city of sport and that enhances the calendar of major cultural and sporting events that the city has on its agenda. . This Super Cup will bring together the best teams in front of all the Sevillian fans as well as those who visit us for this reason or the almost two million who will watch it on television. The economic impact it will generate will also be around two million euros which will be added to the more than 150 million generated in important events that we have organized this year” such as the final of the Europa League or the final of the Copa del Rey football, the Zurich Marathon of Seville and municipal sports events, rowing, rugby or paddle tennis finals or the Laureus awards ceremony, as recalled by Mayor Antonio Muñoz, who participated in the ceremony together with the president of the ACB, Antonio Martín, and the Councilor for Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Board of Andalusia, Antonio Bernal.

The president of the ACB highlighted that “Seville has everything to host this event and we are going to try to take advantage of the dynamics of the city to see if things spread to us”. The event was also attended by representatives of the participating clubs such as Jordi Martí, Joventut’s sports director, third-placed in the ACB season; Manolo Flores, from Barcelona as champion of the Copa del Rey and second classified; and Alberto Herreros, sports director of Real Madrid, winner of the ACB League. Together with them, Fernando Moral, president of Betis Coosur Baloncesto, highlighted the important effort made by the local team to retain the squad that ended the season last year as one of the best in the final stretch of the championship and with the who aspires to everything in this first official competition of the season that the Sevillian team has never won, like Joventut, for six titles for Barcelona and eight for Real Madrid.

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“We are delighted to participate in this Super Cup. At Coosur Real Betis we are grateful to all the institutions for bringing this event to our city, it is exciting to start the season fighting for a title. If there is something that stands out about Real Betis, it is its fans and we are sure that Betis and basketball lovers in the city will enjoy this event and help us try to surprise Real Madrid”, concluded Moral.

With this Endesa Spain Basketball Super Cup, the city reinforces its commitment as a basketball city, with a network of spaces that reaches the neighborhoods of the city. In this sense, the mayor recalled the more than one and a half million euros that have been invested in the Palacio de los Deportes de São Paulo to improve the facilities, highlighting the works recently started for the new heating system that will not interfere with the celebration of competitions. But also, with the facilities that have been improved in the neighborhoods with 15 sports halls, among which the Bellavista and Amate parks have been renovated this summer, to which are added the public spaces in schools and outdoor courts that have been promoted with the solidarity baskets program and that promotes this sport to areas of social transformation.


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