The draw for the Women’s League is held on Friday and the CSD asks for “coordination” from the Federation and the clubs


Pairings will be determined at the Federation headquarters. An agreement is already being worked on on the number of non-community players allowed, another point of disagreement

  • Blocking The first professional Women’s League, without a calendar, without a quota for non-community women and without television due to another ‘war’ with the Federation

The Women’s Football League will have matchup schedule next Friday after the Higher Sports Council (CSD) has had to mediate the discrepancies between the Professional Women’s Ftbol League (LPFF) and the Spanish Federation (RFEF) and that they had blocked the preparation of the competition. The date has been set by the body that president Luis Rubiales, as well as the place, the Luis Aragons hall of the City of Football in Las Rozas, after the opinion of the CSD that asks both organizations for “coordination”.

In fact, they will also have to do it to agree on essential issues for the competition, such as the number of non-community that each team may have in their squads or the cost of arbitration. As EL MUNDO has learned, both issues are already being dealt with.

The CSD has had to take sides in the conflict raised between the employers of women’s football and the Federation in which the calendar draw has been one more notch. The LPFF, as “organizing entity”, defended its powers but the CSD, despite recognizing it as such, clarifies that it must organize the competition “in coordination with the respective Spanish sports federation”.

It recognizes the ability of the clubs to determine the conditions of the draw, but “finding ourselves before a matter subject to coordination, for the celebration of the draw, said conditions must be sent to the RFEF, so that it exercises the corresponding coordination function and proceeds accordingly.” to the celebration of the draw”, understands the CSD.

“Consequently, finding ourselves in the present conflict of competences in the face of a matter subject to coordination, the LPFF cannot organize and hold the pairing draw for the calendar of women’s professional competition independently of the RFEF, nor can the RFEF”, it resolves.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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