“Thanks to the return of Amedeo Della Valle we are in place at a technical level” – OA Sport

Interviewed by Daniele Ardenghi for the “Giornale di Brescia”, Alessandro Magro, coach of Germani Brescia, dealt with various market issues. The first was the recent return of Amedeo Della Valle and what this re-entry entails: “We were looking for a game creator to complete the squad. With the arrival of Amedeo, on a technical level, our team would be in place. Clearly, since Amedeo is Italian and Petrucelli has become one, we have a free slot. We are not required to enter a player. We could also start like this, and keep this possibility when, in the race, we should understand that we are lacking in some department. Or do it before the start, in case an unmissable opportunity presents itself. It is clear that now we would move towards a more classic 3 ”.

The Florentine coach then continued stating: “Those who remained in the team have a technical and emotional memory of last season. In all senses. I think of Della Valle’s phrases on the day it was presented: “The work, here, is not finished”. The fact that the players know each other and know my basketball is an advantage. They will no longer be pioneers, but ambassadors to newcomers ”.

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Magro concluded by talking about the newcomers: “Caupain? A comboguard with size, athleticism and impact on both halves. He is a clutch player, he knows how to strike in decisive moments. And he knows Petrucelli, with whom he played in Ulm. Massinburg? We have high expectations. He is a utility guy, he will know how to do what the team needs. He will have minutes and will prove essential. Akele? He can make the leap in quality. We had already courted him last summer. He can grow from an offensive point of view. Did he hate? A Cobbins-style center, but one that will allow us to explore different defenses and allow us to focus more on systematic changes. He is a rebounder and a stopper. And then there is the Cournooh experience ”.

Credit: Ciamillo


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