Tennys Sandgren defends Novak Djokovic and attacks US Open 2022

His reaction was expected and it has come even more forcefully than expected. Tenny Sandgren has been, for months, one of the great defenders of Novak Djokovic and has come to the fore shortly after the Serb can not participate in the US Open 2022. He is one of the few players who, like the Serbian, decided not to get vaccinated against COVID and has not hidden when it comes to defending his position. Now, with the pandemic already under control, Sandgren considers it shameful that Novak cannot compete in New York and harshly charges all the instances involved in it, including the organization of the tournament, which he accuses of not having done enough to force the government. to allow Djokovic to enter the country. His words have been collected by L’Equipe.

Tennis is a selfish and individualistic sport by nature. Everyone has their own interests and as soon as controversies like this arise, nobody lifts a finger. Maybe some are happy with Djokovic’s absence in New York, I find it very sad how he has everyone has acted,” said the American, determined not to exempt even for a moment the organization of the tournament, which has taken refuge in the federal law that prevents unvaccinated foreign citizens from entering the United States, despite a change close to regulation. “This is all very sad, the organization hasn’t done enough for Novak,” he says.

Sandgren charges against the organization of the US Open 2022

“They cannot make us think that their voice does not count and that they have no influence. Such a big and powerful event could have influenced a change of the regulation or an exemption towards Djokovic. The US Open has not fought for Novak and that is sad and brutal,” says a Tenny Sandgren who has experienced a huge step backwards in his sports career since the pandemic broke out, playing few tournaments and performing far from his best level in which he has played. firm supporter of Novak Djokovichis words join those of other tennis players, such as Casper Ruud, who consider it a pity that a political decision has prevented a sports legend from competing in the US Open 2022.


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