Real Madrid opens the door to Casemiro

The latest market shock was not seen coming. Casemiro, 30 years old, with an almost satiated career at Real Madrid, a low-profile demarcation, suddenly becomes an object of desire for Manchester United, who is sportingly in the bones, but financially nothing in abundance. 60 million euros is the figure that the English club has allowed to pay for the Brazilian midfielder, whom they have also tried to seduce by doubling his salary (currently 11 million euros gross). And the most surprising thing is that the offer did not sound bad to the player, who was imagined comfortable and calm in Madrid, and neither did the club, which has not reacted with the usual ‘no way’ when they touch one of its main footballers.

If the footballer, who has given so much performance, asks him, Florentino Pérez will let him go. For gratitude. “He has earned to decide his future,” they wield in the club.

And although it is football, and therefore rarer than a green dog, when all parties are open to an agreement, it is normal for it to be reached. Manchester United is moved by desperation. Ostentatiously injured for being out of the Champions League, because the look is also terrible this year (Brentford beat him 4-0 on Saturday) and because he is fed up with a good part of the squad, with Cristiano at the helm, the English club gives sticks blind in the market rather than being carried away by a clear or specific criterion. The same bid for a forward talent like Joao Félix (or so Atlético has leaked) than for a midfield worker like Casemiro. From Madrid they do not apply for Benzema or Vinicius, but for the Brazilian with a silent game and a sharp foot, who provides more balance than imbalance.

In any case, and although his game is not luminous and he does not come to sign his best season individually (this one he has started with a level), Casemiro is one of the most valued footballers at Real Madrid. Perhaps he is not one of the most pampered in salary, but he is one of the best considered in the technical department. Compliant, life insurance. Of the non-transferable qualifiers, it was assumed. With 30 years still on the DNI and a contract in force until June 30, 2025, it seemed more like a resolved matter (updated recently, in 2021, setting the termination clause at 500 million). Nothing to do with Sergio Ramos or Varane, to remember departures of footballers in their thirties who became a problem when renewing their agreements when their expiration approached. There the club is inflexible: from year to year, something that some players digest badly.

It does give the feeling that Casemiro has peaked sportingly in terms of club dreams. Five Champions Leagues, three European Super Cups, three Club World Cups, three Leagues, one Copa del Rey and three Spanish Super Cups is more than enough to not feel obliged to do more. A Ballon d’Or? Although he is among the nominees this year, he knows full well that Madrid will never direct all their propaganda ammunition at him. The individual awards are not for his position in the field. That is to say, the economic temptation (and doubling his salary in five seasons is) can be seductive. And also to his management agency, Best of You.

Casemiro has already dropped in the locker room that he will most likely leave. Yesterday he also spoke with Ancelotti, the most reluctant for the player to leave. In any case, he asks for a replacement in return.


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