Radek Štěpánek y lo eccentrico

One of the best points in the career of Rafael Nadal it was before Radek Stepanek. That day, Rome enjoyed a good match between two antagonistic players.

the of Karvina He came out with clear ideas, putting what he had trained into practice. Demonstrating great mastery in drop shots, the Czech forced Nadal to play in their territory. In his region he exhibited himself with his usual agility, appearing in all areas. If the network is the border, the Czech liked to play on the wire.

In the limit

This ability to play In the limit, in the sector in which the game is delimited, was his great quality. Feline, it staged his temperament. A peculiar behavior in a pure action player. Where it is necessary to be fast, the tennis player acted thanks to an excellent reading of the game. Action and reaction, two moments of the same symptom.

He intervened instinctively as if pre-programmed for execution. With no time to think, Radek seemed to parody what he had achieved. His celebrations exemplified this. Steps, as he is nicknamed, he decided to take off the pressure, free himself. His tennis was not rebellious, era homeostatic.

It had to be regulated, to feel that the public was a participant in its show. For him, the court was a place where he knew he could show what he really is like. Self-determination in an will. Playing in the division he took, on some occasions, his opponent to the limit that he was not able to understand the reason for his gestures. Some gestures sponsored, as we say, by the margins. The network is an instrument that conditions behavior more than we can imagine.

his eccentricity

His style brims with talent. He had a delicacy about his wrist that seemed out of keeping with the image of him. His outfit and racket (for a time in his career) looked like what he himself wanted. He was looking for the look, the complicity. Signature tennis.

He identified the track with his own image, creative and voracious, he liked big dates. The power to be the surprise. A dreamer who presented a game from another era. He was missing a big punch, but he enjoyed a great repertoire.

The worm, as he was known, left no one indifferent. He opened up on the track, flourished on it. For this reason, we contemplated a dual player, from opposite poles. Manichaeus, you either loved him or you hated him.

Therefore, and through these articles, we can focus on other parts of this racket sport. We are talking about qualities for which one stands out beyond his technical work.

Without a doubt, we are facing an eccentric tennis player. He did not understand quotas or impositions (beyond those he proposed). He didn’t fit the usual patterns, the most common ones.

An extravagance that has been criticized, since, for many, it may be aimed at attracting attention. And maybe it was, but it’s not easy to get attention and keep it. Hypnoticthe track was his divan.

Up to a certain point, eccentricity produces a strangeness in the viewer. Exceeding all understanding, the eccentric attracts as well as repels. Complex situation, because it is not worth pointing deictically, it is not worth an assessment in the right.

Without tennis being simple, to see Radek was to see an individual who did not understand living without competition. He liked to flow, at his own pace, without debts and without objections. Off-center and misaligned, on his border, where only a few feel comfortable, he lived, coexisted so as not to fall into oblivion. This is our little tribute to an indomitable man who lives on memories.


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