Oderzo, archery finals over the weekend: watch out for parking restrictions | Today Treviso | News

ODERZO – The national archery finals are scheduled for the weekend in Oderzo: thousands of people are expected in the city.

Therefore yesterday the local police with an order reports a parking ban in via Stadio from tomorrow to Saturday, in Piazza Gina Roma from 2 pm on Saturday until 9 pm on Sunday 28, in the old forum from 7 am to 7 pm on Sunday.

Furthermore, to allow the carrying out of the finals in Piazza Grande, some stalls of the premises of the square will have to be removed on Sunday. Given the concomitance, the Italian Cup of Excellence football match between Opitergina and Istrana, theoretically scheduled at the Opitergium stadium, will be played at the Samassa stadium in Motta di Livenza. OT

Attached under the ordinance published here yesterday.


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