No getting through until the beginning of September: “Spreepfad” in Charlottenburg closed due to bridge renovation – Berlin

The pedestrian and cycle path on the Spree in Berlin-Charlottenburg will be closed until September 2nd. This emerges from a notice of the water and shipping administration. The section between Fürstenbrunner Weg and Charlottenburg Palace is affected – i.e. exactly the section whose expansion has been the subject of debate for years.

The reason for the closure is the repair of a short section of the path below the Rudolf Wissell Bridge. Here the path runs over footbridges along the water, the wooden planks are rotten.

In July, after fierce protests from environmentalists, the pedestrian association “Fuss” and allotment gardeners, the Senate and the district office agreed that the narrow path would not be developed as a “priority route” for bicycle traffic. This route for fast cyclists should instead lead to Ruhleben over the Spandauer Damm. This can be seen on a page of the traffic administration.

Graphics: Tsp

Nevertheless, the senate’s own “Infravelo”, which is responsible for cycle paths, is still planning to widen the path, which is sometimes only one meter narrow, as a “Spree cycle and hiking path”, details have not yet been determined. Construction should start at the end of this year.

The “Spreepfad” between the castle and Fürstenbrunner Weg is part of the 360-kilometer Spree Cycle Path. The Spreeradweg, which begins at the source in the Saxon Eibau, has not ended at the mouth of the Spree in the Havel in Spandau for decades, but in gravel, broken glass and potholes a few kilometers before. A combined pedestrian and cycle path bridge on the northern bank near the citadel should be ready by 2027 at the earliest.


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