Nemi, pursues and threatens homeowners with a baseball bat: 40-year-old arrested

A 40-year-old man was arrested on the evening of Wednesday 17 August in Nemi, by the Carabinieri of the Genzano station, who arrived on the spot around 8.30 pm for a dispute in a house with an annex.

The man, an Italian with psychiatric problems, as reported by the military, at the height of yet another quarrel with the tenants of the house, took up a baseball bat and threatened the 50-year-old couple, neighbors.

From what has been learned, for some time, the married couple had ordered the man to leave the house, also due to his aggressive behavior.

When the Carabinieri arrived in the house, the man also addressed his threats against the military. He is now in prison in Velletri on charges of resisting a public official and persecuting his neighbors, as the quarrels had been going on for some time.


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