Nadal: “Djokovic? It’s sad, but tennis is above any player” | Sports

While in Flushing Meadows everything is getting ready, from the environment they make guesses and ruminate the confirmation of the absence of Novak Djokovic in the US Open. The 35-year-old Serbian will not compete for the next two weeks in New York due to his refusal to be vaccinated against covid-19 and, in this way, redraws the scene of the men’s tournament. Without him, the focus points directly to Rafael Nadal, winner of two of the three majors of the course, and secondly to last year’s champion, Daniil Medvedev. Without Nole, both are the great ones to win the title on September 11, the date of the final. But in any case, specifies the Spanish, the show must continue.

“It’s sad news,” Nadal said during his speech at the media conference. “It’s always a shame that the best in the world can’t play because of injury or any other circumstance. In this case, not having one of the best in history is a significant loss; It’s hard for the tournament, for the fans and even for the tennis players, because we always want to have the best possible draw. But, on the other hand, I have repeated it many times: sport is above any player”, continued the man from Manacor, who had not paraded through the Arthur Ashe press room since 2019.

For this reason, upon entering the cabin, Nadal greeted the communication employees of the tournament one by one, and recalled that he has not been able to compete in the great New York since he won his fourth trophy three years ago, by beating Medvedev in an extraordinary final. “I have missed many tournaments due to injuries. Last year I wasn’t here [por el pie izquierdo]and neither does two [porque decidió no desplazarse en plena pandemia]. But the tournament goes on and tennis goes on. Tennis will continue after me, after Novak, after Roger. That is all. Personally, I’m sorry that I couldn’t come”, the Balearic extended.

In July, Nadal had to withdraw from Wimbledon before facing Nick Kyrgios in the semi-final due to an abdominal tear. He reappeared two weeks ago in Cincinnati, but, lacking rhythm and trying not to force himself so as not to put his presence in New York at risk, he gave in at the premiere to Borna Coric. The 36-year-old Spaniard, who will debut on Tuesday against the guest Rinky Hijikata (21 years old and 198 in the world), pampers his muscles and says that the evolution is positive, so he arrives with guarantees at the last great of the season.

“I am excited to be here, this is one of the most important places in my career”, appreciated the champion of 2010, 2013, 2017 and 2019. “It has been hard to deal with the abdomen, because it is a dangerous and risky area, and there is a risk of breaking. But here I am, training and doing things the best I can. I am being careful with the serve, but in general terms I am working at a high level and I am quite happy. Preparation is better. I tried [en Cincinnati], but it was not possible. So let’s try it again”, concluded the owner of 22 grand.

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