Miss Italy, elected Miss Spormaggiore Miluna 2022

It is the simple and genuine beauty of Giada De Nardi, eighteen year old from Comano Terme

The tour of the Miss Italy National Competition continues in Trentino Alto Adige with the penultimate stage of the provincial selections which has arrived once again in the lower Val di Non and to be exact in Spormaggiore within the always much awaited Ors An Festa festival.
The 19 candidates, presented by the usual class and elegance of Sonia Leonardi, paraded in the welcoming and crowded Piazza Chiesa where they competed for the penultimate crown and the pass for the Miss Italia Regional Finals, the most famous and most attended competition. of Italy.

A qualified jury chaired by the Corriere della Sera journalist Francesca Negri, expert enologist and blogger, was present to evaluate not only the beauty, but also the posture and personality, who was flanked by the Regional Councilor Lorenzo Ossana, Mirella Poda, Ivan Zeni , Renato Tasin, Tiziana Prices, Loredana Tanel, Loredana Cont and Nicol Dal Fovo.
On the podium to access the Regional Finals of the South Tyrolean Train, the 6 girls most voted by the jury, who will attempt the climb to the title of Miss Italy 2022.

The winner, with the title of Miss Spormaggiore, crowned by Francesca Negri, Loredana Cont and the Councilor Lorenzo Ossana, was the simple and genuine beauty of Giada De Nardi, eighteen year old from Comano Terme.
Student of viticulture and enology at the agricultural institute of San Michele all’Adige, she practices judo and focuses everything on her career.
Giada was immediately supported by the warm audience with numerous applause.

In second place with the title of Miss Rocchetta we find the super sportswoman Sabrina Pellegrin, 22 years old from Moena, a dental hygienist by profession, practicing extreme sports with great passion.
Miss third place was the eighteen-year-old student of Besenello Gloria Zorer, who practiced athletics at a competitive level for several years. She is the next graduate student of motor activities.

Miss L’Adigetto, fourth classified, is Lisa Schwarz, 20 years old from Trento, university student at the faculty of law, who practiced competitive rhythmic gymnastics for twelve years.
In fifth place, with a tie, we find the twenty-two year old from Pergine Valsugana Silvia Zogmeister, university student at the trilingual faculty of economics in Bolzano and Giulia Santoro, also twenty-two from Trento, the next university student.
Another dead heat in sixth place, Martina Paoli, twenty-two from Campodenno, secretary with a passion for fitness and Martina Maccani, 26 from Vattaro, close to graduating in law, who has made sport a lifestyle.

The girls’ hair look was curated by the staff of the Salone Hand made in Mezzolombardo with Francesca and Andrea in collaboration with the staff of the Salone My Style in Mollaro with Elisa and Desiré.
The hilarious comedy of Loredana Cont, the actress from Trentino who was able to snatch laughter and applause from the audience, was interspersed with the show dedicated to beauty, involving them in her funny gags.

Sonia Leonardi: «I sincerely thank the Porloco led by Alessio Lorandini together with the numerous volunteers for the perfect organization.
«An effective organizational machine that rewards the work of numerous young people who have made themselves available to the community to create a truly engaging and successful event.
«The Ors An Festa festival is truly a very popular and felt event throughout the valley. Happy to have been part of it. “

Special thanks go to all the media that follow us with interest, and to Radio Italia Anni 60 for the always precious collaboration that has lasted for over 15 years.
Thanks also to Casa Protetta, leader in the design of alarm systems that for the evening will reserve exclusive promotions on new installations.
We also remember the next appointment in August with the last provincial selection: on 10 August in Scena (BZ) at the amphitheater of events in the center of the town.

The next stage of the Regional Finals in which the winners of the evening will be able to participate, will be in Andalo on 9 August.
Followed by August 13 in Moena, August 14 in Folgaria, August 16 in San Leonardo in Passiria, August 17 in Lagundo, August 19 in Gais.
To close the season will be the regional final of the Miss Italy National Competition to elect Miss Trentino Alto Adige which will be hosted, after a two-year break, once again in Alto Adige and precisely in the suggestive and elegant Piazza Duomo in Bressanone on Sunday 21 August.
In this highly anticipated evening, wanted by the Tourist Association and the Municipality of Bressanone, dedicated to fashion and entertainment, as well as numerous moments of great show, the most beautiful girl in our Region will be elected

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