Mario Ruiz revealed his luxurious tennis collection: he has more than 300 pairs

Mario Ruiz, Colombian influencer. Photo: Instagram @marioruiz

Mario Ruiz He has been able to realize that he is a tennis lover, since -although he usually gives several pairs to friends and family- at the moment he has a collection of more than 300 shoes of this type.

The Colombian influencer put the issue on the table when in recent days a follower sent the question to his social networks: “How many pairs of tennis shoes do you have?” Subsequently, the 27-year-old Bogotano responded from his closet, in which several of his shoes can be seen, and expressed:

I don’t have that exact figure. The last time I counted them, between the sneakers I have in Los Angeles, Miami, my mom’s house and my apartment, there were more than three hundred and twenty something, I do not remember well. Now we have to add a couple more.”

In view of his extensive collection, the content creator wanted to underline that he is not a hoarder, but also highlighted how much he loves this type of shoe.

Taking advantage of the fact that they ask me this tennis question, do not think that I am an accumulator of them. The truth is, I give away many shoes, except for those that are special editions or Friends & Familyas are the YeezyJeremy Scott, the Bad Bunny edition and, well, those sneakers that are like collectibles, but all the time I am giving sneakers to my family, friends, acquaintances, to you… So I love sneakers”.

Mario Ruiz and his luxurious tennis collection, has more than 300

It is worth mentioning that, as an influencer, Mario Ruiz has extensive experience creating content for social networks and other digital platforms. Its success has been reflected in the millions of followers it has on Instagram, for example, since today it has a community made up of more than six million. of users who are pending your publications.

On the other hand, it should not be left out that the Bogotan also has Parkour among his interests, in fact, in August 2021 he wrote on his Instagram profile: “For me Parkour is my lifestyle, it is my way of seeing and feeling reality! For more than 14 years I decided to express my amateur side with this discipline”.

Among all the content EPA Colombia (Daneidy Barrera Rojas) offers on her social networks in view of her tasks as an influencer and businesswoman, the publications about her luxuries stand out, those tastes that usually occur with the purchase of cars or expensive tennis shoes. Regarding the latter, from the social networks of her keratin company, last March the woman from Bogotá reported the purchase he made at Dolce & Gabbana: some sneakers that did not cost 500 thousand pesos, one million or two, its specific price was five million Colombian pesos.

The businesswoman has already realized her taste for the aforementioned brandIn fact, in December 2021 he was passing through one of the stores and what he acquired on that occasion were white tennis shoes and a perfume. Regarding the price of each item, the shoes cost three million pesos and the perfume a little more than 500 thousand.

Thus, among the world of influencers, Mario Ruiz is not the only one who is passionate about tennis, but his colleague Epa Colombia has also proven to be a sneaker fanatic.


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