Jorge Carrascal today: outstanding performance at CSKA Moscow | Colombians Abroad

One of the Colombians who has stood out in recent times, Jorge Carrascal. The attacker arrived from River Plate and had good performances, from the start. Now, with the new season underway, he has stood out, with a superlative level, which allows him to be taken into account, in an eventual call for the Colombian National Team.

Some time ago, CSKA Moscow announced that it would purchase a large part of its sports rights to extend its stay in Russia. The league of that country started a few weeks ago, with three dates underway, Carrascal has shown his best level.

Despite not having been there for long, this season, in Russia they proclaim him as the best, at the start of the League. This is how the Sport-Express portal described it “Carrascal can finish in several positions. Thanks to his speedy qualities, the Colombian not only calmly leaves his rivals, but also runs into the penalty area. Additionally, Carrascal often pulls the player off the sidewalk, thus freeing up the area for partners to recover. And sometimes he himself moves to the center.”

“The Colombian has pure dribbling ability and often creates chances out of nowhere. This season, Carrascal managed five successful dribbles per game. If the Colombian maintains the rhythm and the quality in the distance, this will become an argument for Fedotov in the fight for the high places”, added the Russian portal.


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