Heavy. End of the season at the heavy judo dojo with excellent results

the essential
Last month, the heavy judo dojo ended its 2021-1922 season with magnificent performances. Al Saadi Lina, Laffargue, Bujaldon, Guemeche: back on the beautiful epics of our judokas representing the Marian city, who will have delighted us with their self-sacrifice all year long.

Friday, June 24, the club ended its sporting year with the traditional presentation of belts at the Coustète dojo. This rewarded the work done during the season in the presence of teachers and parents.

The 1st dan black belt was obtained by Zerguine al Saadi Lina in June, in Toulouse, during the combat effectiveness tests where she gleaned the last missing points. This belt comes to reward his diligence since a young age and his involvement within the club in helping to supervise the youngest.

Another belt that we wanted to highlight is the orange-green belt obtained by Bohdan, a young Ukrainian refugee, who joined the club during the season. The judokas and the parents got together for a barbecue evening.

A rising youth

3 judokas from the club participated in the French championship in Ceyrat (Auvergne): 2nd division cadets, Hugo Laffargue in – 73 kg (94 fighters) finished 2nd in his pool and lost in the final draw in the 32nd final; Lucas Bujaldon in – 90 kg (40 fighters) finished 1st in his pool and managed to climb to the 8th finals of the table with beautiful ippons all along the course.

At the France Espoirs championship, Inès Guemeche in – 52 kg (84 fighters) finished 1st in her pool and lost in the final draw in the round of 16 after 3 great victories.

Encouraging results for these 3 judokas who are getting closer to the black belt since Hugo validated all his points during the championship; Lucas has scored 20 on the clock and Inès only needs 20 to get the Grail. Note that the latter has also validated 2 Uv within the hopes pole of Toulouse. The continuity of work will allow them to join Lina from the start of next season.

Meet all judokas and new practitioners on Friday, September 2 for the resumption of judo lessons.


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