Grosseto-San Marino 5-4 (11th) •

After more than four hours of passion, to win it in gara3 and the Spirulina Becagli Grossetogood at finding the decisive valid all’11° after a game of a thousand emotions. For San Marino it was a game that went pretty bad right from the start (0-4 in the 3rd) but which was then caught back at the last breath, with a point in the 7th in a situation of two outs and empty bases. In the extrainning Grosseto was more effective and thus won Game 3 with a score of 5-4. Winning pitcher Noguera, Mazzocchi loser. Two-point home run for Federico Celli, three valid for Angulo and Lino.

THE CHRONICLE. At 1st Palumbo concedes a single to Albert and a base ball to Barcelan, but gets away with three strikeouts and remains 0-0. At the 2nd San Marino wastes (ground rule double by Lino in the opening, then three K’s by Gonzalez) and in the lower part the hosts pass. The recovery begins with three singles, those of Ambrosino, Sgnaolin and Biscontri, with the latter taking home the 1-0. Then two consecutive bunts: that of Vaglio moves Sgnaolin to third and that of Chelli tries to make him run at home, but Peluso is good at playing for Lino for the out. However, the appointment with the extension is only postponed, because immediately after Albert touches a valid one on the right that brings in two points. The center winger himself is eliminated in second on the race, but the 3-0 is still a done deal. The attack of the Titans is alive, but not very cynical at the beginning of the race. At the 3rd, for example, immediately two valid for Epifano (single in the middle) and Pulzetti (excellent bunt), but no further advances arrive.

On the San Marino mountain, after Peluso’s two innings, it is the turn of Fernando Baez, who however does not have the usual impact and struggles to find the strike zone. The relief grants the ball bases in sequence to Barcelan and Herrera, eliminates Loardi at the plate and finds the out in third on Ambrosino’s grounder. The four balls at Sgnaolin fill the bases and immediately after Biscontri is hit for 4-0 (Vaglio is the third out, to the plate).

Spirulina Becagli has a consistent advantage and the fourth San Marino attack seems to take the fold of the previous ones, with an excellent start (double by Angulo) and a continuation like this (two strikeouts). But then the base ball to Leonora and above all the double from Pieternella send San Marino to the scoreboard with the first point, that of 1-4. In the fifth inning the gap is further reduced thanks to the great two-point home run by Federico Celli, who thus signs the 3-4. After having granted the base to Chelli in the opening of 4 °, on the San Marino mountain there is the change between Baez and Peluso, with the new entry immediately effective and protagonist at the end of an excellent match, with only one valid and without suffering points.

In the sixth San Marino puts the man in third but does not score, while in the seventh here is the same. The inning begins with two outs and hopes are reduced, then here are the singles of Angulo and Lino. Ustariz is on the serve, who touches a ball towards Vaglio that is not recovered and passes. Batista (running for Angulo) scores 4-4, Lino is caught off base in second and the attack ends. With an out and the base ball in Ambrosino it is the turn of Dimitri Kourtis, who closes the seventh attack of the hosts with strikeouts on Sgnaolin and Biscontri.

We go to the extrainning, with the San Marino attack that stops against Noguera and finds only one finish on the base between the 8th and 11th inning (single by Celli in the 9th with two outs). Grosseto becomes dangerous in the 9th place by putting two men on base with zero eliminated, with Kourtis who, however, recovers with the eliminations at the plate of Loardi and Ambrosino and making Sgnaolin beat in the diamond. At 10 ° the relief passes Biscontri first, strikes out Vaglio and Chelli and then gives Albert four balls too. To beat is Ferretti, who is eliminated in the pot for the third out.

At the 11th there is Mazzocchi in place of Kourtis (expelled) on the mountain. Grosseto starts well with Herrera’s hit in the middle and Mazzocchi recovers with a strikeout on Loardi. To beat is Ambrosino, who touches a valid in the center which means victory for Grosseto. Race 3 ends 5-4 for Spirulina Becagli.


SAN MARINO: Ferrini 3b / 2b (0/5), Celli dh (2/5), Angulo (Batista ec 0/1) 2b (3/4), Lino r (3/5), Ustariz 1b (1/5), Leonora es (0/3), Pieternella ed (1/4), Epifano ss (1/5), Pulzetti and c / 3b (1/5).

GROSSETO: Chelli es (0/4), Albert ec (2/4), Barcelan (Ferretti 0/1) 3b (1/2), Herrera ss (1/4), Loardi dh (0/6), Ambrosino ed (2 / 4), Sgnaolin 1b (1/4), Biscontri r (1/3), Sieve 2b (1/5).

SAN MARINO: 000 120 100 00 = 4 bv 12 e 1
GROSSETO: 031 000 000 01 = 5 bv 9 e 1

LAUNCHERS: Palumbo (i) rl 2, bvc 5, bb 1, so 3, pgl 3; Baez (r) rl 1, bvc 0, bb 4, so 2, pgl 1; Peluso (r) rl 3.1, bvc 1, bb 3, so 4, pgl 0; Kourtis (r) rl 3.2, bvc 1, bb 3, so 9, pgl 0; Mazzocchi (L) rl 0.1, bvc 2, bb 0, so 1, pgl 1; Gonzalez (i) rl 4.1, bvc 7, bb 1, so 9, pgl 2; Noguera (W) rl 6.2, bvc 5, bb 0, so 1, pgl 1.

NOTE: home run by Celli (2p. to 5th); doubles by Angulo, Lino, Pieternella and Ambrosino.


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