From California Nicole Christine Thomas trained the girls of Montefiascone

From California Nicole Christine Thomas trained the girls of Montefiascone

Sport – Softball – Well the internship that was held in recent days – Two players from Viterbo also participated

Nicole Christine Thomas

Montefiascone baseball softball - An exercise with Flavia Carletti

Montefiascone baseball softball – An exercise with Flavia Carletti

Montefiascone baseball softball - Internship in Malta

Montefiascone baseball softball – Internship in Malta

Montefiascone – We receive and publish – After the tournament in Grosseto on August 7, where the boys from Montefiascone put another card in the preparation path for the September activities, it was the turn of the softball girls to become protagonists in a technical setting session held by a young but experienced American coach.

Nicòle Christine Thomas, 28, in this period in Italy to play in Sestese with Flavia Carletti, accepted the invitation of her teammate and arrived at the Montefiascone baseball stadium.

Nicòle has played as a professional and trained, as well as in the United States, where he is a coach in a program called “Training Untamed”, in New Zealand, Taiwan, Austria, Malta and now in Italy, with Sestese, where he has an excellent batting average. of 400.

In particular, her contribution as a coach was so appreciated in New Zealand that she was called to join the coaching staff of the national team at the 2019 U19 World Cup.

Although the girls in Montefiascone are at the beginning, she dedicated herself to them with passion, appreciating their attitude on the pitch.

“The girls have been very attentive and want to learn – he declared – and they will certainly do well, also because the field here is wonderful; there are not many fields where I have trained so well cared for! “

Two girls from Viterbo, who currently play with the baseball team, also took part in the internship; in fact, up to 15 years old boys and girls can play together, both baseball and softball, and this favors the possibility of building new teams.

The group of girls is increasing and Montefiascone Baseball Softball intends to plan both baseball and softball activities for them, waiting to form a female-only team.

Montefiascone Baseball Softball

August 13, 2022


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