Foot PSG – PSG: Mbappé and Messi, Galtier admits to being lucky

After two very convincing first matches, Paris SG will try to continue this weekend with the reception of Montpellier. Mbappé’s return and Messi’s confirmation are expected.

An appointment expected for many reasons at PSG, this Saturday. It will obviously be the first time at the Parc des Princes of the season, but also the first time that Christophe Galtier will sit on the sidelines of the local team in this stadium. An appointment that the Parisian coach awaits with a certain undisguised excitement at a press conference this Thursday afternoon. ” Yes impatience. Not nervousness but a real desire to discover the Park, this time on the right side, on the right bench. This is the first home game. On the first two official matches, the players have been very good in behavior, investment and in the way of playing and we must be able to repeat this kind of behavior and performance for our supporters “Explained a Christophe Galtier who does not want to see his players deliver a less successful performance than against Clermont and Nantes.

Mbappé and more, no problem for Galtier

For this, PSG can count on Kylian Mbappé, back after a suspension and then a small physical glitch. Everything is back to normal and there will be no problem integrating the star Parisian striker into this already lightning attack. Impossible for Galtier to ask a question about Mbappé’s contribution to a team that is already working very well, as the former Monegasque is a key piece that is an integral part of his system. ” There is no difficulty in integrating it. You realize the privilege of a coach to be able to count on Kylian in this attacking trio. I repeat once again, it is a great privilege. He doesn’t have a lot of minutes in his legs but he’s in good shape. I also worked a lot on associations this week. I also looked a lot at what was done last season in the different attacking patterns and animations. They are used to playing together all three. They performed very well “, assured the Parisian coach, for whom, despite the beginnings in a new system, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé already have automatisms.

Messi admired by his teammates

And after Mbappé, Christophe Galtier mentioned the case of Lionel Messi, who is walking on water at the start of the season, and seems determined to make people forget his disappointing first season at PSG. “ I can’t be surprised, because when you have such a record and you’ve played so many decisive matches, it means you’re a great professional. And he confirms it since July 4. He is involved in all the sessions, smiling, and he exchanges with his partners. He is a source of example for our players. I appreciate every moment of seeing him on the field and saying hello to him every day because he represents the example to follow in his investment. He had individual distinctions but he is not satisfied. I find him fulfilled. When Leo smiles, the team smiles. And in training it’s the same. he is loved and admired by his partners “, delivered a Galtier who is currently in heaven with the debut, it is true, perfect for PSG this season. Especially when the club’s superstars lead by example.


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