Foot PSG – Neymar fired, the PSG plan collapses!

PSG tried everything to get rid of Neymar this summer, as far as possible. The transfer window is not over, but the Brazilian has a good chance of staying, and the prestige plan B therefore collapses.

The transfer window is not over at PSG, and it’s not just the lofters who are concerned. Christophe Galtier said this Friday at a press conference that he could not guarantee 100% that Neymar would stay at the club. It must be said that the Brazilian was clearly pushed towards leaving this summer, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi offering him to several clubs, including Newcastle and Manchester City, to try to relieve the locker room of a turbulent player, a bad example for the collective and of an element that no longer brought as much as his contract required.

Clearly upset to see that PSG were ready to part with him without complaining, Neymar responded in several ways. His contract extension, which was an option that fell to him on July 1, his early return from vacation, his sharp physique, his smile during commercial or media operations and above all his performance on the field have made Neymar a major player in the PSG at the start of the season. It is therefore difficult to say that the champion of France would deprive himself of such an element voluntarily, when he needs his best players to go far in the Champions League.

Bernardo Silva courted by PSG

The revenge is therefore for Neymar in this month of August, even if everything can still happen in the transfer window. In any case, the possible departure of number 10 was seriously studied by PSG, as revealed by Le Parisien this Saturday. The Ile-de-France newspaper thus returns to the rumor relayed by the English press and by L’Equipe this Friday, which reported on the Parisian forcing to sign Bernardo Silva. The Portuguese winger wants to see his status evolve, and is therefore ready to leave Manchester City. To join FC Barcelona, ​​​​the club he adores, or Paris SG of his mentor Luis Campos.

If Neymar leaves

But the French club never went through with its efforts, despite maintaining contact. Indeed, Bernardo Silva and the Parisian leaders knew it, his recruitment was only considered in the event of Neymar’s departure this summer. For the moment, it’s a theory to forget and if PSG are indeed looking for a new attacking player, it’s more an element capable of evolving as a versatile understudy for Neymar or Messi, and not a superstar with a starting status. as Bernardo Silva could be. Tracks are being studied, but knowing that FC Barcelona does not currently have the means for its ambitions on the transfer window, PSG can afford to keep the former Monegasque under the elbow if a surprise takes place. in the Neymar file.


One Response

  1. I understood from Galtier that no player is above the team .I understood that PSG was willing to compromise in order to keep Mbappe within PSG team THE WAY IT IS . The team right now -without Neymar in his actual form-will never be able to win champions league. The team right now- without Mbappe-has a very good chance to win it.Mbappe alone at PSG -without Messi and Neymar-is irrelevant and ludicrous. Put a player like Saliba in front of Mbappe and he will dissapear.PSG looks more and more like a prostitute abused by an immature kid, too arogant, envious and too orgolios to ever become a really great player.
    I am really,really sorry for PSG which is in a once in a lifetime position to win something big.
    I sitll hope that some people have a little bit of something called brain.

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