Fagioli renews with Juventus until 2026

Juventus, through its official website, has announced that Nicolò Fagioli has renewed with the bianconeri until 2026: “Now it’s official. Nicolò Fagioli has renewed the contract that will bind him to Juventus for the next four years, until 2026.

A great satisfaction for him, who returned at the end of June from the loan to Cremonese and we want to start from this last parenthesis that saw him protagonist for the entire 2021/2022 season, a year in which he played an important role on the path of Lombard training.

In fact, Nicolò contributed to Cremonese’s jump in Serie A with high-level goals, assists and performances. He went into double figures scoring 3 goals and providing 7 assists in 33 appearances. Important numbers, made even sweeter by the final epilogue: promotion to the top flight at the end of an extraordinary ride. For Fagioli this will be the eighth season in black and white, also taking into consideration the parenthesis on loan at the Cremonese. A life at Juventus: seven years have passed, now, since that distant July 2015 when Nicolò crossed the doors of Vinovo for the first time.

And now the adventure continues. Congratulations, Nicolò! “, We read on Juventus.com.


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