Fabregas in Como, the presentation conference

Fabregas in Como, the presentation conference

The former Barcelona and Arsenal midfielder arrived at Sinigaglia

Cesc Fabregas has arrived in Como, the presentation press conference from the Hilton Hotel is now underway.

The conference

“I arrive here with the same ambition as always, I want to play, I want to win and bring Como to Serie A. I still have a lot to do in football, I have a lot of ambition” these are the first words of Fabregas from the Hilton hotel. On the reasons why he accepted the Como offer: “Many reasons, it was the first time I was expiring, I wanted an experience that could involve and excite me, Como has a long-term project and it was exactly what I wanted, the thanks to Dennis Wise who made me take this opportunity “.

On how you would define this challenge: “The next challenge is always the most important one. The next two years of my life will be totally dedicated to Como, both on and off the pitch, what matters to me is the growth of this city”. On his state of form: “Today is only the first day, I still have to talk about it with the coach, I’m fine and I’m here to prepare myself as best as possible, I can’t wait to start and reach the ideal physical shape”.

On the challenge with Buffon, world champion like him: “I’m happy to find him on the pitch, I’ve already scored him two goals in the past, why not give him a third … (laughs) … The fact that there are two champions of the world shows that Serie B is of a high level “.

On why he chose to stay in Europe: “Mls was not in my plans, I wanted to stay in Europe, where the level is higher, money is not an important component for me now”.

On the coach and the trophy he is most attached to: “A difficult question … I try to bring out the best in every coach and I have the utmost respect for everyone. I have been very lucky, I have worked with extraordinary technicians, with someone I am still friend with others there is more distance, but I have great esteem for everyone. The trophies are all special, because you have to put effort and effort into getting them, the most important is perhaps the World Cup with Spain, but I hope to win more ” .

On the level of Serie B next year and the ambitions of the team: “I knew the team would be competitive, new signings arrived, I consider myself a winner and I’m here to do my best.”

On last season at Monaco: “Definitely frustrating, it’s been a difficult year, but I don’t have control over these kinds of things like injuries or corporate factors. But the past is the past, now I want to look to the future, the important thing is that I am here, I am here not only to play but also to lend a hand off the pitch. ”

On the possible regrets of his career: “Regrets I wouldn’t say, I was lucky enough to play all the major finals. I would have liked a different ending in the 2006 Champions League final, when I was at Arsenal and we lost to Barcelona in the last 10 minutes, but I want to emphasize that I have been very lucky in my career. ”

On the love for Italy, known for some time thanks to social media: “Knowing Italy has slightly influenced my choice, I’ve been here on vacation, my children have Italian names, I’ve always liked this country, certainly in some way influenced my choice “.

On the link with England: “I am very attached to London, in a few years I would like to return to live there, I consider it as a second home, I spent 13 years there and I met my wife there, so it will always have a special role for myself”.

On the offers received in the past by Serie A and its future projects: “I have talked to Milan in the past, in particular in 2016, but I have always been good in the teams I played for, both when I was in London and in Barcelona. I am here now however, I intend to stay and gain experience to become a coach one day. ”

On the most difficult derby I’ve faced: “All derbies are difficult and different, there is always that extra motivation in that type of matches, especially for the fans, I liked the derbies against Tottenham when I was at Arsenal. especially because we often won (laughs) “.

On the possibility of becoming a shareholder of the company: “I will become part of the company, which is why I will remain even beyond the two-year contract, I liked the project and I took advantage of the opportunity”.

On the discrepancy between his choice and that of others, who collect a lot of money in less competitive leagues: “It’s not up to me to judge, I made a choice that followed my needs and my emotions, everyone chooses what they believe best for him”.

On the failure of the negotiation with Milan in 2016 and on the favorite for the next Serie A: “I was 29, I was at the height of my strength at Chelsea and I wanted to show Conte that I could play and win also in his system, I strongly believed in my abilities . Serie A is a fantastic championship to watch, especially now that there are many extraordinary players, it will be a particular season, there will be a lot of interest but the favorites are always Milan, Inter and Juventus. ”

The shot

The Indonesian brothers Robert and Michael Hartono, figures at the head of the Darjum empire, are very ambitious, so much so that they want to bring Como to Serie A. Ambitious is also Cesc, who after having passed “The worst year of my life” according to his, he couldn’t wait to find a challenge to take on. But why Italy? The Spaniard wanted to try, at least once in his life, to play here with us, the reason is connected to his future: he wants to be a coach. And which country can he be a tactical school for someone who has already learned from the best masters of recent years? Obviously Italy, where tactics are almost a religion, which for almost a century has been evolving and increasing its notions. A compulsory Erasmus for a young student of the subject.


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