Duncan Robinson breathes better after nose surgery

Duncan Robinson don’t be discouraged at the end of a difficult season. Despite his dip in shooting success, his defensive issues and his gradual exit from the rotation ofErik Spoelstra, the Heat shooting guard is looking for ways to get back on track for the next exercise. His first decision was to undergo a minor nose job.

« In fact, I had an operation, very minor. It was an optional operation. I had an old broken nose, and I couldn’t breathe out of one of my nostrils, most of my life, since I was in seventh grade. “, he detailed in his podcast “The long shot”.

He revealed that it is on the advice of his former teammate Rodney McGruder, suffering from the same illness and operated on immediately, that he made his decision. And obviously, he does not regret having done so.

I feel like a new man

“I contacted him and asked him, ‘How was the experience?’ And he told me it changed his life for sleep, fitness, everything. So I had a consultation and it turned out that my right nostril was 90% blocked. So I was getting half the air I could breathe.”he added. “It was complicated for 10 days, but it’s over now, fortunately. I can breathe. It’s incredible. I feel like a new man. »

If he is retained by the Heat, Duncan Robinson will be preparing to face the biggest challenge of his career since he will have the mission of finding his place. The goal will be to work on small details, and improving his nasal breathing is one of them.

For the rest, he knows that the environment of the franchise and his work ethic will push him to give the best every day.

“The cultural aspect is real and that’s what we often talk about. I think it comes down more to a certain level of responsibility. It’s like maximizing every day. They are never, at any time of the season, going to leave you alone for a day. They’ll make sure you’re in the weight room, watching some video. I feel like when it’s talked about in the league, it’s like it’s a crazy thing. In fact, I really think it’s just about prioritizing being a professional.”he finished.

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