DHL Test Match Tournament: Azzurri win against Japan

ITALY-JAPAN 3-1 (25-20, 23-25, 25-16, 25-20)
ITALY: Lavia 20, Galassi 3, Giannelli 3, Michieletto 15, Anzani 9, Pinali 5, Balaso (L). Sbertoli 1, Russo 10, Scanferla (L), Romanò 11, Recine 1, Moscow. Neither. Bottolo, Piccinelli (L). Herdsman De Giorgi
GIAPPONE: Ran 8, Yamauchi 7, Nishida 21, Otsuka 9, Murayama 8, Sekita 2, Yamamoto (L). Miyaura 2, Takanaschi K., Oya, Ogawa (L), Onodera, Ishikawa 1, Sato. Ne. Higuchi. All. Blain
Referees: Venturi, Pasin
Set duration: 27′, 31′, 22′, 24′
Spectators: 2800
Italy: a 5 bs 17 mv 12 et 22
Giappone: a 3 bs 10 mv 4 et 20

– Ready redemption for the Men’s National Team which this evening beat Japan with a score of 3-1 (25-20, 23-25, 25-16, 25-20) in the last match before the departure for the world championship. Race well played by Giannelli and his teammates who this evening were able to express themselves much better than two days ago, showing a growing state of form.

De Giorgi for this last pre-season match has changed something compared to the match against the United States by deploying Giannelli in dribble, Pinali opposite, Lavia and Michieletto spikers, Galassi and Anzani central and Balaso free.
Japan took the field with Sekita setter, Nishida opposite, Otsuka and Takahashi Ran spikers, Murayama and Yamauchi central, Yamamoto free.

In the first set, De Giorgi’s boys experienced a difficult phase that forced them to recover a partial of -5 (12-7); but right from that moment they were good at staying clear looking for an increasingly fluid game maneuver and progressively, after reaching parity, they managed the situation until 25-20 after a failed first set ball that brought them to 1 -0. In the first fraction good percentages in reception (79% positive) and in attack (56%).
Second set during which the pattern seemed to repeat itself with the Japanese forward and subsequently reached on 16-16. Just then, however, Blain’s men resumed command of operations; on 18-16 in their favor, Russo replaced Galassi and Romanò Pinali. Under four lengths (24-20) Giannelli and his teammates however canceled three set balls to the opponents, taking them to 24-23, but at the very best an offensive action managed in a not exactly excellent way canceled the blue hopes allowing the Asians to to go to 25-23, a result which, of course, led to a tie.
Third set started with Romanò and Russo still on the pitch and the Azzurri immediately appeared eager for redemption; Giannelli and his teammates were constantly in control and with good offensive plots (68% in attack) even from the center they ended up going 2-1 thanks to 25-16 after failing a first set ball. In the hamlet very well also on the wall (7).
At the beginning of the fourth set De Giorgi gave Scanferla minutes on the pitch in place of Balaso, but the leitmotiv of the match did not change with Italy constantly forward and with the coach who then inserted Recine for Michieletto and Mosca for Russo . In the end, the Azzurri ended up imposing themselves on 25-20, closing the match in their favor.


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