Cincinnati Reds vs New York Mets – MLB – Baseball

Cincinnati Reds vs New York Mets – MLB – Baseball
Cincinnati Redsnew york metropolisline-up67 – Pivot – Zeuk, TJ Tywan Walker – Pivot – 996 – IF – Jonathan India Nemo, Brandon – OF – 915 – OF – Setzer, Nick Francesco Lindor – IF – 1217 – IF – Farmer, Kyle Alonso, Pete – IF – 2019 – IF – Joseph Votto Wagerbach, Daniel – IF – 327 – IF – Solano, Donovan McNeill, Jeff – IF – 13 – OF – Reinaldo Almora Taylor Nachan – OF – 2527 – OF – Fraley, Jack Khanna, Mark – OF – 192 – IF – Jose Barrero Killorme, Louis – IF – 1326 – Center – Mike Papierski James McCann – Center – 33substitute51 – Pivot – Graham Ashcraft Williams, Trevor – Pivot – 2966 – Pivot – Kunel, Joel Medina, Adonis – Pivot – 6852 – Pivot – Reiver Sanmartin Edwin Diaz – Pivot – 3944 – OF – Aristide Aquino Nido, Thomas – Center – 340 – Pivot – Nick Lodolo Lugo, Seth – Pivot – 6779 – Pivot – Gibbert, Ian Adam Odavino – Pivot – 054 – Pivot – Hunter Strickland Jolly Rodriguez – Pivot – 3075 – Pivot – Ross Detwiler Bassett, Chris – Pivot – 4085 – Pivot – Luis Cesa Starling Malt – OF – 628 – Center – Austin Romin May, Trevor – Pivot – 6538 – Pivot – Dunn, Justin DeGrom, Jacob – Pivot –31 – Pivot – Mina, Mike Carrasco, Carlos – Pivot –46 – Pivot – Farmer, Barker Maxwell Schorzer – Pivot –43 – Pivot – Alexis Diaz Michael Givens – Pivot –4 – IF – Matt Reynolds Darling Ruff – IF –35 – IF – Alejo Lopez Eduardo Escobar – IF –


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