Chen Shizhong mentioned the use of the giant egg Huang Shanshan: It was originally a baseball stadium | Mayor of Taipei | The Epoch Times

[The Epoch Times, August 17, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Xu Cuiling reported in Taipei, Taiwan) Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, said on the 17th that the process of the Big Dome case should be open and transparent, and emphasized that the Big Dome must be If a baseball game can be held, Huang Shanshan, deputy mayor of Taipei, responded that the Big Arena set up a special website seven years ago to disclose all meeting minutes, important matters, documents, etc., and the Big Arena wants to play baseball from beginning to end, “Would you like it? Doing a baseball field, it doesn’t need to be discussed.”

Huang Shanshan said in an interview on the 17th that “Chen Shizhong may not have Google.” Since 7 years ago, the Taipei Arena has a special website. All meeting minutes, important matters, documents, etc. are all made public. The Big Dome is playing baseball from beginning to end. Some people say that it can’t play baseball. This is already a fallacy. Going to the Big Dome is a baseball stadium.

The construction department of the Ministry of the Interior has not passed the review of the smoke exhaust simulation part of the Big Arena. The Construction Department asked the North City Government not to release water for the sake of cutting the ribbon. Huang Shanshan responded that the North City Government has submitted it for review for more than one year. many. The Beijing Municipal Government has carefully checked the checks, and the Central Government has exhausted all means to block it. The key point is that if there is a problem, “what has the Ministry of the Interior said over the past year?” Everyone does not need to fight.

Huang Shanshan pointed out that the Beijing Municipal Government’s attitude towards the Big Dome is very clear, that is, to ensure safety, otherwise the municipal government does not need to suspend construction for 5 years. In these 5 years, all relevant parts have been changed and designed before they are submitted for review, and the review is only to discuss B1. The security department of the North City Government has done its best to pass the inspection of the Ministry of the Interior Inspection Center. Now it is only a matter of approval letter from the Construction Department of the Ministry of the Interior.

Regarding the Chinese people being deceived to Cambodia, some people on the Internet criticize the deceived people as being stupid and greedy. Huang Shanshan said that everyone will find a way. If someone makes this choice, something must have happened. I hope that no one will be labeled again. , no one should be treated this way. Understand why they happened (deceived), and the most important thing is to hurry up and save people now.

As for Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe, it was funny that the police held up signs at the airport to discourage people from going to Cambodia. The Criminal Bureau responded that 27 people were advised to return. The Executive Yuan said there were only 120 stranded Taiwanese. Huang Shanshan pointed out that “120 are not the only ones.” To deal with the stranded people in Taiwan, these 120 people are too few. She feels that this is a problem of attitude, and none of them should happen, so solve the current problem first. Raising placards is of course one way, but can there be a more active approach?

Regarding when to resign the deputy mayor to run for the election, it is rumored that the election will be announced the day after the City Expo on August 27, and whether the campaign headquarters is located opposite the Big Dome? Huang Shanshan said that she will do her job in the city government every day. Relevant matters are being prepared, “I will report to you when the time is up.”

Responsible editor: Lu Meiqi


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