Burela hires a psychologist for its female and male staff

The Burela This season will have a sports psychologist that will share the female squads, in the First RFEF, as well as the male ones, which fell to the silver category last year.

Christian Fernandez Oterowhich has been in charge of helping athletes to strengthen and train the mental part of their work for years, will be in charge of that plot.

He has experience in teams such as Ourense Envialia FSF, Ourense CF, Club Athlos Bádminton, Club Waterpolo Pabellón or UD Barbadás and teaches psychology and leadership in UEFA C, UEFA B, UEFA A and UEFA PRO courses in both football as in futsal.

El Burela considers that “the work” of his new sports psychologist will allow him to “improve and take better care of your health” from the men’s and women’s squads, “something that will help them on and off the court.”

For the Lugo team, “sports psychology is today one of the great tools that professionals have at their disposal to perform one hundred percent throughout the season” and that serves as “support in critical moments, such as injuries” .


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