BSV Ju-Jutsu/Judoka trained directly in Malente – Duchy

Breitenfelde (pm). A generous donation from the Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Südstormarn made it possible to spend a weekend with many children and young people in the Malente sports and education center in August. The “we” experience was the focus of this Fretzeit of the Breitenfelder Sportverein (BSV), because after the Corona pandemic it is important to promote social contacts and to get physically fit again.

Joint Ju-Jutsu/Judo training sessions were completed, we swam in the sports pool, explored Malente on foot and ate a delicious ice cream together. There was also time for an outdoor activity and the good weather played into our hands. The highlights were the successful acceptance of some judo belt tests and having successfully completed the ju-jutsu sports badge in bronze for all participants. Everyone praised the good, healthy food at the sports and education center. Cell phones and digital games stayed at home, and you could hear dice rolling and children laughing from the rooms.

Rush at the ice cream parlor during the BSV 2022 holiday leisure time in Bad Malente. Photo: Merten, hfr

Merlin Wunsch, young Ju-Jutsuka and DRLG lifeguard supported the team of trainers. He also trained himself for his next belt test. Educational support came from Claudia Wunsch, the youth director of the BSV division. The team Petra Oesterreich, Rüdiger Merten, Claudia Wunsch and Marc Hortsch would like to thank the Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Südstormarn, which made it possible to offer this youth camp free of charge. “It was a harmonious, shared weekend where games and fun, sporting activities and team spirit were experienced together,” said Petra Oesterreich when the parents picked up their happy children in Malente.


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