Basketball representative denies support from the City Council

Baja California Sur He participated in the National Championship of the first strength of basketball 5 × 5 in San Luis Potosíthis contest continues in development and On behalf of the South Californians, it was represented by Braulio Castillo, Juan Carlos Montaño, Hector Martínez, Jesús Lopez, Raúl Romero, Erick Briceño, Tonatiuh Pedro Navarro, Luis Garcia, Antonio Montes, Eliher Sanchez, Leonardo Castro, Ricardo Mosqueda and Alberto Villaseñor. , all of them directed by the coach, Raciel Omar Gutiérrez Martínez.

To this newsroom of CPS News came the complaint that the team traveled under their own means to the competition, the Instituto Sudcaliforniano del Deporte helped them with 50% of the trip, but from Lic. Guillermo Ortalejo, sports director of La Paz, they did not get a response, either positive or negative; all this one day after the mayor of the municipality of La Paz, Milena Quiroga Romero, made the official delivery of sports scholarships to the athletes from La Paz who participated in the state and national phase of the 2022 games.

“Insude supported us with 50% of the lodging, but we have not received anything from the municipality of La Paz. The corresponding management was made, we spoke directly with the municipal sports director (Guillermo Ortalejo), who told me, -send me the information to pay for your accommodation-, he was sent all the information, quote and well, there was never an answer, no I have received a no, I have not received a yes and not a maybe, so it has been complicated. Each boy worked to pay for his plane ticket, the registration was $8,000 pesos and we paid it with the basketball band “they mentioned.

On Sunday, August 21, the team was one step away from accessing the semifinals, but fell against Tlaxcala due to point differences and it was the state of Coahuila who went on to the next roundDespite this and the adversities they encountered, Raciel’s team will not give up on their dreams and will continue to seek to represent the entity in future projects.

“I consider that things are not easy, you have to work for it, and to achieve success you have to have consistency and discipline. A dream, you have to build it and rebuild it, it requires a lot of work, otherwise we would have a hotbed of professionals and it is not like that”Gutierrez Martinez commented.

For the players, it was seeing a dream come true, since This contest serves to measure itself against the best talent of the republic and show off the level of basketball that exists in Baja California Surthey are the ones who call on the authorities not to drop basketball, because it was only the Guaycuras de La Paz team led by its president Gaspar Lopez Villafuerte and his coach Hermes Amao, who served as a platform doing everything possible so that this team could see its dream come true in the national basketball first force.


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