Basketball course culminated – Diario El Mundo

Mary Chuy Rodriguez
The World of Orizaba

For three weeks, 50 children from the region participated in the 2022 Summer Basketball Course, organized by the Orizaba Rangers club, at the facilities of the Revolución Elementary School.
Guided by teachers Ernesto Mendoza, Enith Mendoza, Pati Mendoza and Andrés Márquez, the athletes divided into the categories Mini 2013-2014, Infantile 2011-2012, Pasarela 2009-2010, Cadet Femenil 2008-2007 and Juvenile 2004-05-06, they worked intensely.
With encouragement and great interest, the basketball players learned about the fundamentals of basketball, as well as play creation along with team building.
The courses were attended by children who are already part of the club, as well as starters, who have the opportunity to join one of the Rangers teams.
To end the activities of the course and the basketball players put into practice everything they learned, they organized a Friendly Quadrangular Tournament in which the Tune Squad, Jaguares Orizaba and Jaguares Río Blanco clubs were measured.
With the idea of ​​encouraging all the athletes to continue making their maximum effort and enjoying burst sport, the organizers awarded everyone with a symbolic medal.

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